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Los 10 mejores juegos multijugador para plataformas Android / iOS A pesar de que me gusta ceder al juego móvil extra de vez en cuando, hay momentos en los que jugar contra la computadora se vuelve un poco repetitivo y aburrido. It8217s mucho más realista (y competitivo) para jugar juegos multijugador contra personas reales que contra algoritmos informáticos. Y los juegos multijugador no tienen que estar restringidos a un solo dispositivo: hay un montón de juegos que se pueden disfrutar sin importar qué plataforma está ejecutando. Así que, sin más preámbulos (y en ningún orden en particular), aquí están mis 10 mejores juegos multijugador multiplataforma que puedes disfrutar si estás en Android o iOS. Star Legends es un juego de MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) ambientado en el espacio, donde la idea es viajar a través de la galaxia completando misiones y afirmando su lugar en el universo. Tienes que completar las misiones y el progreso a través de la jugabilidad, que le dará acceso a la tecnología más poderosa y las armas. Star Legends está en su mayoría libre para jugar, pero si desea guardar su progreso o comprar artículos o equipos únicos, tendrá que comprar la moneda de la aplicación conocida como 8220Platinum Credits8221. Zynga es más conocido por hacer un juego de granja molestos en Facebook, pero su juego de póquer es bastante bueno (y libre también). Una vez que you8217ve inició sesión con su cuenta de Facebook, puede jugar Texas Hold 8216Em poker con cualquiera que haya iniciado sesión en el servicio, incluidos sus amigos de Facebook, independientemente del dispositivo que utilicen. Usted obtiene una buena cantidad de fichas gratis cuando se registra y si mantiene presionadas las notificaciones (y usa la aplicación todos los días), obtendrá un bono diario de 2.000 dólares de fichas. (Se pueden comprar fichas extra con una compra en la aplicación). Scrabble para mí significa sentarse delante del fuego después de la cena de Navidad y pelearse con mi familia tratando de convencerlos de que ZQ es una palabra (viendo como cada letra vale 10 puntos y yo sólo logré agarrar esa carta triple square8230). Con la versión para móviles, no hay palabras de debate gracias al extenso diccionario incorporado, y puedes jugar por tu cuenta contra la computadora o contra tus amigos, ya sea en Facebook o por correo electrónico. Age of Defenders es un juego de defensa multijugador donde el objetivo es defender a tu base de ser atacado por unidades enemigas, así como atacar a las otras bases del juego. Usted puede elegir entre seis torres diferentes, con cada uno de los cuales tiene ventajas especiales, y también tiene que administrar sus recursos con cuidado, asegurándose de que tiene suficiente para construir torres adicionales. Age of Defenders sólo funcionará en tabletas Android y iPad de segunda y tercera generación. Scramble es otro juego arrancado de Zynga8217s popular 8220with Friends8221 serie, y creo que es fácilmente el mejor y más adictivo. Tienes dos minutos para intentar encontrar tantas palabras en una cuadrícula de 4 x 4, un poco como una búsqueda de palabras. Usted puede moverse horizontalmente, diagonalmente y verticalmente en cualquier dirección y hay varias ayudas para ayudarle, que puede congelar el tiempo, barajar la red y dar pistas. Aunque la versión gratuita funciona bien, es sofocada por los anuncios por lo que es mejor entrar en la versión de pago, que es sólo un dólar. Estoy seguro de que todos han jugado UNO en algún momento de sus vidas. Ahora, hay una versión multijugador en línea para dispositivos móviles El juego básico hasn8217t ha cambiado mucho, pero hay una serie de modos de juego diferentes y usted puede personalizar su juego en función de las reglas que juega por (como 7-0 y Jump-in) . Si te apetece jugar solo, entonces UNO también tiene un modo de torneo, que se vuelve progresivamente más difícil (y frustrante) a medida que avanzas. Modern Combat 3 es un FPS multiplataforma que ofrece una gran campaña en solitario (13 misiones de Los Ángeles a Pakistán) y una jugabilidad extremadamente variada (como escolta, búsqueda y destrucción, helicóptero y 42154 misiones de persecución). Los gráficos son realmente algo para ser maravillado, y en el modo multijugador puede jugar hasta 12 jugadores diferentes en seis mapas exclusivos y siete modos diferentes. Incluso hay armas personalizadas para ayudarte a subir a la cima de la tabla de liderazgo del equipo Modern Warfare 3 requiere alrededor de 1,5 GB de espacio libre en tu dispositivo (Android e iOS) Toss the Ball te permite recrear recuerdos del funfair con su aplicación para Dispositivos Android y iOS. El juego cuenta con cuatro modos diferentes: Rolling Race, Ball of Time, Chill Mode y un modo multijugador de cuatro jugadores. Hay cinco tableros diferentes para jugar y puedes desbloquear hasta 12 bolas (cada una con diferentes poderes, por supuesto), junto con otros pequeños huevos de Pascua como power-ups y bonificaciones. ESTRELLA NUEVA. 2 es prácticamente Halo Móvil y sigue de la inmensamente popular N. O.V. A. Que fue lanzado en 2009. La nueva versión se establece seis años más tarde, y cuenta con una gran cantidad de mejoras: nuevos enemigos, una mayor gama de armas y poderes, y un juego mucho más diverso. La campaña de un solo jugador tiene 12 capítulos para trabajar a través y el modo multijugador le permite jugar hasta 10 personas, ya sea localmente o en línea en cinco modos diferentes en 10 mapas diferentes. Puedes jugar contra tus amigos o contra cualquier persona a través de Gameloft LIVE y puedes ver tu clasificación usando las tablas de clasificación mundial, ya sea en el juego o en su sitio web. Si quieres un gran juego de carreras multijugador para Android e iOS, no busques más que Real Racing 2. Puedes elegir entre 30 coches con licencia oficial, incluyendo el Nissan GT-R 2010 y el McLaren MP4-12C de 2012, y hay 15 diferentes Pistas para correr. El juego es impulsado por los desarrolladores8217 propio motor Mint3D para gráficos de calidad super y el modo multijugador en línea le permite competir contra hasta 16 jugadores diferentes (u ocho localmente en Wi-Fi). Los juegos mencionados anteriormente son mis favoritos personales, pero siempre busco más. Lo que estoy perdiendo en Hice un juego llamado Phone Wars. La idea es que los jugadores en los iPhones jueguen como 8216iBots8217 y los jugadores en Androids juegan como 8216aBots8217, y se pelean entre sí en un escenario de MMO. Compruébelo y hágamelo saber si usted piensa it8217s cualquier bueno o qué características you8217d como agregado adentro REAL RACING para el androide isnt multijugador apenas IOS y MAC OSX Sí lo compré simplemente para descubrirlo can8217t lo juego con mis amigos Compruebe hacia fuera BikeRace . Simple pero adictivo, y multliplayer. ¿Hemos olvidado Minecraft Pocket Edition? ¿Alguno de estos juegos tiene historia co op como el residente mal 5. Título de este artículo es una especie de misleading8230 8220Cross multiplayer8221 plataforma implica que usted puede jugar a estos juegos en ios contra android, no sólo que el Juego está disponible en ambas plataformas. Casi aconsejé a mi compañero de cuarto para dejar caer 7 dólares en el combate moderno b4 me di cuenta de que wasn8217t el caso. Si sas 3 puede o no Galcon es plataforma cruzada con hasta 3 jugadores y lo recomiendo. Creo que es como 3 dólares en las dos plataformas. QUÉ. Que hay de minecraft Hermano de armas 2 black ops zombies Fabin Gamboa Rojas Tengo una pregunta, por ejemplo, si he instalado Draw Something en mi Iphone 5, ¿puedo jugar en multijugador contra los usuarios de Android que lo juegan también o tiene una restricción, donde los usuarios de Apple Jugar con los usuarios de Apple, y el usuario de Android jugar con los usuarios de Android onlyI acuerdo. Este proyecto de ley es muy preocupante. Veo un patrón de abuso por el cual estamos distraídos con el informe de tortura de la CIA y luego golpeado con una Ley de Autorización de Inteligencia de 2017 que está abarrotada de nuestras gargantas colectivas. John Conyers advirtió que la disposición otorga al ejecutivo acceso virtualmente ilimitado a las comunicaciones de cada estadounidense. Nextgov Parece que estaba correcto. Amash observa que a cambio de los requisitos de retención de datos que el ejecutivo ya sigue, la Sección 309 provee una base legal novedosa para la captura y uso de las comunicaciones privadas estadounidenses por parte de los ejecutivos. Amash nos dice que la sección contempla que esas comunicaciones privadas de estadounidenses, Obtenido sin una orden judicial, puede ser transferido a la aplicación de la ley nacional para las investigaciones criminales. Las investigaciones penales, como. Cuánto tiempo antes de que la industria del entretenimiento convenza a las agencias de aplicación de la ley a tomar una interpretación muy amplia de las investigaciones criminales cuando se considera cómo utilizar estas capacidades recién promulgadas para llevar a cabo investigaciones criminales (en presunta infracción de derechos de autor) o cualquier otra cosa. Cyberlaw. stanford Más alarmante es el lenguaje en Sec. 309 que permite la grabación sin autorización y la retención de la comunicación cifrada que asume todas las cifras del teléfono móvil A5 / 1 a A5 / 3 y todas las comunicaciones de HTTPS de cada individuo en los EEUU posiblemente incluyendo: abogados, doctores, banqueros, políticos y policía local. Segundo. 309 new language El término "comunicación cubierta" significa cualquier comunicación telefónica o electrónica no pública adquirida sin el consentimiento de una persona que sea parte en la comunicación, incluidas las comunicaciones en almacenamiento electrónico. Los procedimientos requeridos en el párrafo 1) (Incluyendo una orden o certificación emitida por un tribunal establecido en virtud de la subsección (a) o (b) del artículo 103 de la Ley de Vigilancia de Inteligencia Extranjera de 1978 (50 USC 1803)), citación o proceso legal similar que Se prevé razonablemente que dará lugar a la adquisición de una comunicación abarcada a una persona de los Estados Unidos o procedente de ella y permitirá la adquisición, conservación y difusión de comunicaciones cubiertas sujeto a la limitación del apartado B) (I) la comunicación ha sido determinada afirmativamente, en su totalidad o en parte, para constituir inteligencia o contrainteligencia extranjera o es necesaria para comprender o evaluar la inteligencia extranjera o la contrainteligencia (ii) la comunicación se cree razonablemente Constituyen evidencia de un crimen y son retenidos por una agencia policial (iii) la comunicación es cifrada o se cree razonablemente que tiene un significado secreto. El lenguaje anterior parece codificar los poderes presidenciales de espiar en un nuevo método intocable. Además, todas las conversaciones encriptadas, como este sitio web, estarían en manos de una entidad desconocida durante cinco años o más y, por lo tanto, cualquier comunicación electrónica comprimida o cifrada con SSL / TLS, SSH y documentos comprimidos y comprimidos con una contraseña enviada Vía teléfono, fax o cualquier otro protocolo cifrado. Esta es una gran franja de comunicaciones La superficie de ataque es enorme y un objetivo invitante para el abuso y un objetivo de los criminales. Es interesante que el gobierno perciba la necesidad de proveedores de almacenamiento de terceros posiblemente debido al gran volumen de comunicaciones electrónicas recopiladas y almacenadas durante cinco años o más. Tomo nota de que el gobierno piensa basar su nivel de habilitación de seguridad en las calificaciones de crédito: (4) recomendaciones sobre cómo la comunidad de inteligencia podría utilizar los índices de riesgo del sector privado, como los puntajes de riesgo crediticio, para determinar el acceso de los empleados a información confidencial. Supongo que usted tiene que tener una alta calificación crediticia para obtener una autorización de seguridad. La única manera práctica en que se puede detener esta legislación abusiva es una demostración constitucional entre el Poder Judicial y los poderes presidenciales excesivos, ahora respaldados por el Congreso. Este lío será difícil de limpiar. La teoría que ha continuado con el informe sobre técnicas de interrogatorio mejoradas de la CIA ha sido decepcionante para mí. Todos sabíamos lo que estaba sucediendo cuando realmente estaba sucediendo. Hacer un tema de esto hasta ahora después de que el hecho parece un teatro político. Bien o mal es en el pasado y para cualquier persona que estaba en el saber en ese entonces a ponerse de pie y obtener todos los justos de sí mismo ahora parece estar fuera de lugar. No estoy diciendo que el tratamiento de esos prisioneros era el enfoque correcto, pero no veo lo que tenemos que ganar al traerlo de vuelta al primer plano geopolíticamente. Es ahora en el pasado. Admito que no leí el informe, pero por lo que he oído de él es que fue mucho más allá de lo que se sabía en ese entonces. Tengo dos preocupaciones sobre el perdón general que Obama estableció: 1) No procesar a los chicos involucrados (no los verdugos, sino los chicos que firmaron las órdenes) podría ser utilizado como excusa para cualquier otra persona haciendo lo mismo. Lo único que tienes que hacer es etiquetar a alguien de terrorista. Pero sobre todo es que la imago de la tierra de los EE. UU. de la libertad está realmente dañado. 2) ¿Qué sucederá cuando ocurra otro incidente como ocurre con el 11 de septiembre? Es inevitable que ocurra un incidente así, eso es seguro, pero no procesar a los individuos implicados y establecer una nueva política permite que suceda lo mismo en el futuro. Así que es una cosa del pasado, pero eso no significa que no puede volver a suceder. De lo contrario. Es hora de decir adiós. 65535 Sólo quieren todas las formas de comunicación (de acuerdo con la nueva ley) de manera indirecta. Escribir un mensaje de texto plano puede traducirse como comunicaciones cifradas si están lo suficientemente locos (100 posibilidades de que lo hagan de todos modos). La NSA se duplicó y ganó el premio mayor: El nuevo presupuesto permite espionaje ilimitado sin garantías a todos los estadounidenses que pueden (y serán) compartidos con la policía. No hubo debate, se presentó en secreto en el documento de presupuesto masivo. Pensé que Obama cambiaría las cosas, en cambio, cayó en línea rápidamente. Pensé que las Revelaciones de Snowden podían cambiar las cosas, en lugar de eso empeoró. Si está parado después de que el senado y el presidente tengan una ocasión de cambiarlo, yo no volveré probablemente. América ha terminado. Tengo que protegerme a mí ya la mía. Aftenposten un periódico noruego está escribiendo sobre el espionaje de la red móvil usando varias estaciones base falsas (captadores IMSI) que se encontraron en el edificio cercano del parlamento de Oslo y algunas embajadas extranjeras. Fueron encontrados cuando CryptoPhone alertó que algo no estaba bien. Bob S NSA a Obama: Sr. Pres. Por favor firme este documento. Obama a la NSA: Todavía no. Las naciones no están listas. Demasiado descontento. NSA a Obama: Cuidaremos de ellos. No te preocupes. Obama a la NSA: Me preocupo mucho. NSA a Obama: No se preocupe, lo manejaremos. (Presiona una máquina de firma automática y autoriza a los Presidentes a firmar el documento) NSA a Obama: Hemos terminado. Gracias. Obama a la NSA: ¿Cómo puede usted. NSA a Obama: Tu Obamaberry. Esos pequeños secretos sucios. Jejeje NSA a Obama: Tenga en cuenta sus acciones, señor Pres. Estamos viendo. Mesrik Lo que podría hacerse es asegurar la estación de red móvil a través de un cambio de protocolo. Firmar las estaciones. Cargar una pieza de CRL autorizada y firmas de estaciones autorizadas. Cada estación lleva su propio módulo de criptografía CC EAL 6 resistente a la manipulación con firmas dentro. Los teléfonos comprados localmente se precargarían en la tarjeta SIM (esperemos que tenga espacio) o un elemento seguro en el teléfono con la lista principal y las firmas. Los teléfonos que llegan desde el extranjero al conectarse a la red tendrían que solicitar una lista. El protocolo puede ejecutarse en modos duales (GSM estándar o la versión firmada mencionada aquí). Es una especie de DNSSEC para GSM a lo largo de esa línea, pero necesita un amplio apoyo nacional para operar. Viernes casual es la propaganda de la CIA loros. El primero dice: no se puede decir que la tortura. A continuación, una gran mentira: que la tortura es en el pasado. En el reloj de Obamas los agentes del FBI se sentaron alrededor mientras que Gulet Mohamed fue torturado. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos todavía delega la tortura con una política de no devolución ilegal de CAT. La política estadounidense todavía permite formas específicas de tortura, incluyendo la privación del sueño y cualquier tipo de tortura mental. Entonces CF lanza en algún obtuseness intencional para los lechones. Él no ve lo que tenemos que ganar. Torturadores no tienen nada que ganar. La tortura no tiene estatuto de limitaciones. Cualquier jurisdicción en el mundo puede procesar a los torturadores estadounidenses. Retener la respiración hasta que te vuelvas azul, el problema de tortura de los gobiernos de EE. UU. no se va. Lo que él intenta llamar teatro político es la justicia moliendo muy lento y muy, muy bien. Es el mundo exterior arrastrando al USG dando patadas y gritos para cumplir con la ley. Ha estado leyendo Havels El poder de los impotentes por un tiempo. He detectado al menos un aspecto fascinante en él. El autor narra que en un sistema post-totalitario (en su propia lengua vernácula esto significa un sistema totalitario pero totalitario de una manera diferente a las del pasado como lo pone después, cuando el totalitarismo se encontró con la sociedad consumista) la esfera de la verdad se oculta bajo La textura de las mentiras y, por lo tanto, la mayor parte invisible y mortalmente peligrosa para los que están en el poder, puede desestabilizar (y destruir) todo el sistema de mentiras donde rituales y signos han superado la realidad real. Proporciona el ejemplo de la Primavera de Praga, alegando que no fue sólo un choque entre dos grupos, sino el acto final y la consecuencia inevitable de un largo drama que originalmente se desarrolló principalmente en el teatro del espíritu y la conciencia de la sociedad. Y que en algún lugar al principio de este drama, hubo individuos que estaban dispuestos a vivir dentro de la verdad, incluso cuando las cosas estaban en su peor momento. Estas personas no tenían acceso al poder real, ni aspiraban a él. La esfera en que vivían la verdad no era necesariamente la del pensamiento político. Podrían haber sido también poetas, pintores, músicos o simplemente ciudadanos comunes y corrientes que pudieran mantener su dignidad humana. ¿Es posible que lo que los TLAs de hoy estén tratando de hacer es penetrar en esta esfera oculta? Te vi mencionando a Smiths The Wealth of Nations en los comentarios de uno de los posts aquí. ¿Cómo es adecuado para un laico? Mi conjetura es Cinco Ojos, una parte del gobierno de Noruega, Israel o Rusia. Hay pocas organizaciones que tienen y van a implementar ampliamente captadores IMSI de alto nivel. Especialmente en un país como Noruega. Cambia de sospecha a los opositores internos del Parlamento o de la NSA en mi opinión. Norways contratistas de defensa también son muy capaces con equipo de cripto similar a lo que NSA ha desarrollado, tal vez con su experiencia también. Si hay alguna lucha por el poder, tales capacidades podrían volverse contra los legisladores. También encontré que su respuesta era débil. El artículo no indica que trataron de atrapar a los operadores en el acto. Un ejemplo sería meterse con una pieza de equipo, esperar a que un operador aparezca, obtener la reparación en video, agarrar a la persona, y luego interrogarlos. La investigación apenas involucró a la policía en absoluto. Noruega, operando de este modo, seguirá siendo un objetivo fácil para la mayoría de las actividades de espionaje. Alguien quiere comentar sobre esta nueva red social de facebook-killer, Ello (ello. co) Es el verdadero negocio ¿Realmente se preocupan por su privacidad o es sólo una broma Y cuáles son las posibilidades de que sea NSLd Además, ¿por qué es Nadie interesado en la diáspora como una red social No lo consigo no Diaspora hacer el mejor trabajo de resolver todos los problemas con Facebook Un plan de acción práctico es hacer la vida más difícil para los administradores de EE. UU. que habían participado en los casos de tortura ilegal CIA visitar Europa. Esto puede hacerse fácilmente en el Reino Unido, por ejemplo, por grupos privados o personas afectadas que pueden solicitar órdenes de arresto. Un precedente conocido involucró a algunos funcionarios israelíes de alto nivel, que finalmente lograron entrar en Londres sólo después de obtener una inmunidad diplomática. Algunos otros generales del ejército israelí que no pudieron asegurar su inmunidad diplomática cancelaron sus visitas al Reino Unido. Corro caliente y frío con el senador John McCain. Estoy bien a la izquierda de él en la mayoría de los temas, pero ocasionalmente él y yo estamos de acuerdo. Anoche fue uno de los últimos. Como invitado de Charlie Rose, el senador McCain reiteró su opinión sobre el informe de la CIA sobre la tortura. Era pensativo, uniforme y medido. Sin histeria. Me gustó lo que escuché, hasta cierto punto. Mi corazón cayó cuando habló de la cuestión de los enjuiciamientos por delitos. No debemos procesar, dijo. Debemos avanzar, no retroceder. Los Estados Unidos han reconocido la conducta injusta al mundo y ahora tenemos que seguir adelante (dijo). Disculpó a los criminales, diciendo que significaban bien que excusaba el comportamiento criminal, diciendo (esencialmente) que el 11 de septiembre era un tiempo de miedo. Avanza, no hacia atrás. Eso es exactamente lo que dijo Condi Rice en los viejos tiempos cuando el Congreso la presionó para responder a preguntas que ella y su jefe habían decidido que ella no respondería. Deriva del mecanismo mismo empleado por niños desesperados desde siempre para evitar una sanción: dirigir la conversación. ¿Puedo salir y jugar ahora? Es transparente y poco sincero, y la única atención que merece es la burla. Los Estados Unidos gastaron una enorme suma y trabajaron durante años para castigar crímenes de guerra de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, tanto alemanes como japoneses. Se repite en Irag. Los criminales serán perseguidos y llevados a la justicia, seguimos juramentados. Pero ¿qué pasa con el hombre de piel oscura que murió de la exposición, mientras que encadenado a un piso en una habitación fría en Gitmo ¿Dónde está su justicia Lo sentimos no avanzar. No entiendo la justicia de dos caras. Tampoco lo hace el resto del mundo. Mi revisión original del proyecto de la diáspora de octubre de 2011: La diáspora es una broma. La cosa está siendo diseñada, analizada e implementada principalmente por aficionados. Una red social verdaderamente segura debe ser diseñada por personas con experiencia en criptografía, análisis de protocolos, diseño de software seguro y implementación de bajo defecto. Lanza algunas pruebas y la gente de la interfaz de usuario en allí para arrancar. Me gusta que hay gente tratando de esto, pero no me gustaría confiar en nada de lo que produce el proyecto. Las reseñas independientes weve conseguido hasta ahora confirmó mis sospechas. En cuanto a las redes sociales seguras / privadas, no sé si theres realmente una manera de hacerlo que despegaría. Los servicios de Internet no pagados dependen principalmente de los ingresos publicitarios. Una ventaja de los sitios de redes sociales actuales es que el análisis permite que la publicidad dirigida traiga un montón de ingresos. Toma eso lejos obtienes muy pocos ingresos en comparación. Esto es un problema si está ejecutando un servicio web seguro con toneladas de criptografía en él, lo que requiere MUCHOS más recursos para lograr el rendimiento de algo como FB. Apenas no veo actualmente una manera de hacerla a la luz del modelo de negocio. Tampoco he estado pensando mucho en ello, así que tal vez hay una solución no intuitiva que me evade. Pensamientos Todo sucedió y uno de los involucrados se suicidó. Comprender la situación, los requisitos y el mercado profundamente es un requisito previo para desarrollar una solución que se venda y con fuertes propiedades de seguridad. Lo que se necesita para hacer una fuerte seguridad en las arquitecturas web centralizadas es bien comprendido. Lo que hará que un asesino de Facebook, manteniendo estas propiedades, especialmente en aplicaciones de terceros / plugins, está lejos de ser entendido. Los desarrolladores de la diáspora carecían de ambas capacidades y estaban condenados al fracaso. La prueba más simple es echar un vistazo a cómo las personas usan Facebook y preguntarse si theyd renunciar a Facebook para la alternativa. Theres también el bloqueo de efecto de tener años de imágenes, videos, eventos de la vida, etc que theyd tienen que mover manualmente o tirar. Facebook, como backend COBOL en mainframes, está diseñado para lock-in y es probablemente el mejor ejemplo de web de una aplicación heredada en la fabricación. Y theyre que agrega siempre al efecto. Las redes sociales privadas serán un nicho de mercado en el mejor de los casos. Posiblemente parte de un servicio pagado. No ocurre mucho en ese sector, sin embargo, fuera de algunos correos electrónicos, proxies, aplicaciones de criptografía y foros de discusión. Sólo una aplicación / servicio aquí y allá con una pequeña audiencia. Sin integración (Facebooks fuerte traje). CallMeLateForSupper: No entiendo la justicia de dos caras. Tampoco lo hace el resto del mundo. El mundo entiende muy bien, es como en este clásico Abba golpeó: El ganador lo toma todo Mira todos los banksters bancarios de Wall Street que fueron rescatados con pagos de una sola vez. Deberían haber ido a la cárcel si hubiera algo como un estado de derecho. La próxima vez que se metan en problemas de nuevo los bancos serán rescatados de nuevo con su dinero de los contribuyentes y obtendrán sus pagos punitivos de vuelta. Vivimos en un momento divertido, esta vez los lobos fascistas usan pieles de oveja demorat. La ley se ha convertido en decoración. Y la gran mentira ha alcanzado una cantidad tan enorme, no pueden permitirse llevar a alguien a la justicia que podría hablar por ahí. Y el número de inmunes crece diariamente, estoy seguro. Su todo sobre números falsos en tiempos de una recuperación económica sin aumento del consumo de energía y los precios. AlanS re Sección 309 de la Ley de Autorización de Inteligencia: El análisis de esa sección presentado por un Representante libertario oportunista es completamente erróneo. Está tan mal que lo veo como un engaño deliberado o una grosera estupidez de su parte. A principios de este año, un ex funcionario del Departamento de Estado escribió un artículo de opinión publicado en The Washington Post. En él, detalló sus preocupaciones con respecto a la orden ejecutiva 12333. Específicamente, escribió que: Las personas de los E. no pueden ser apuntadas individualmente bajo 12333 sin una orden judicial. Sin embargo, si el contenido de las comunicaciones de una persona de los Estados Unidos se recopila incidentalmente (en el marco de una investigación de inteligencia extranjera en el extranjero), la Sección 2.3 (c) de la orden ejecutiva autoriza explícitamente su retención. No requiere que las personas afectadas de los Estados Unidos sean sospechosas de actos ilícitos y no imponga límites al volumen de comunicaciones de las personas estadounidenses que puedan ser recolectadas y retenidas. Su preocupación era que, a diferencia de la recaudación autorizada de conformidad con las disposiciones de la Ley FISA o de la Ley Patriota, la recaudación emprendida en virtud de la Orden Ejecutiva 12333 no estaba sujeta a ninguna supervisión y que las comunicaciones de los estadounidenses reunidas incidentalmente podían celebrarse sin ninguna limitación legal. La Sección 309 comienza a abordar esas preocupaciones estableciendo, por primera vez, restricciones legales sobre tales comunicaciones reunidas bajo la OE 12333. Algunos creen que esas restricciones no van lo suficientemente lejos, y eso está bien. Pero es absolutamente incorrecto afirmar que el artículo 309 intenta autorizar nuevos poderes de recaudación, y mucho menos que alguien intentó introducir la disposición en el proyecto de ley para hacerlo. La Sección 309 agrega límites legales donde anteriormente no había ninguno. Por cierto, no confiar ciegamente cualquier cosa que leí en Aftenposten. Gracias por compartir sus pensamientos sobre la diáspora. Así que de lo que estás diciendo, parece que no hay redes sociales con buenas implementaciones criptográficas / seguras, y probablemente será un tiempo antes de que alguna vez se vea uno, si es que en absoluto. En esa situación, ¿usted (o cualquier otra persona que quiera comentar sobre esto) piensa que lo mejor es simplemente no utilizar ningún tipo de servicio de red social para los usuarios que nunca entenderán PGP por correo electrónico debido a su complejidad, cuál es el siguiente mejor Cosa que iba a estar en desacuerdo con usted, pero después de leer la sección 309 de ese proyecto de ley (el texto de que estaba vinculado en uno de los artículos,) Creo que youre más bien en este caso. Pero yo no diría que anteriormente no había límites en esta colección de comunicaciones bajo EO 12333 --- que presumiblemente siempre hemos tenido y aún tenemos la 4ta Enmienda --- Sólo deseo que (junto con el resto de la Declaración de Derechos) Fueron respetados más bien que abrogados por la interpretación judicial nihilista. Los escépticos de nuevo con otro megawhopper, presumiblemente porque con este uno los tan llenos de mierda que incluso si él usó otro nombre wed conocerlo en cualquier lugar. Límites legales donde antes no había ninguno Sabiendo que la Gran Mentira depende críticamente de la repetición robótica, el escéptico se dobla hacia abajo en su obstinado cerdo - la ignorancia de la ley suprema de la tierra. Esperaba que olvidara que el Artículo VI está en la Constitución. Él espera que usted no sepa sobre el caso de Charming Betsy o la intención legislativa de la ratificación del PIDCP, o lo que dice el tratado vinculante. Espera que no sepa dónde encontrar lo que significa. Los Estados Unidos firmaron en la línea punteada, el Congreso votó a favor y aceptó la revisión de cumplimiento independiente, por lo que los escépticos que dicen que la ley que quiere romper no existe. En resumen, los bichos del gobierno piensan que eres estúpido. Ellos quieren aferrarse a sus trabajos de maquillaje inútil para que se encuentran a través de sus dientes. Sobre la tortura. Sobre la ley. Sobre todo. Bueno, sabemos que es importante porque has salido de la carpintería. Su publicación es un buen intento de desviar el problema. Sí, por supuesto la Sección 309 pone límites donde no había ninguno antes. También amplía la jurisdicción donde no había ninguna antes. No es una cosa o / o cosa y que bien lo saben. BoppingAround re: la esfera de la verdad se esconde debajo de la textura de las mentiras Así que, por lo que usted piensa que puede decir cielo desde el infierno, cielo azul de dolor. ¿Puedes decirle a un campo verde De un carril de acero frío Una sonrisa de un velo ¿Crees que puedes decir ¿Te hicieron comerciar Sus héroes para los fantasmas Las cenizas calientes para los árboles El aire caliente para una brisa fresca Comodidad fría para el cambio ¿Y el intercambio Un paseo por una parte en la guerra Por un papel principal en una jaula Daniel: No amplía la jurisdicción. Im no seguro porqué usted piensa que hace. Gran mentira: Ninguna de las cuales tiene nada que ver con la Sección 309. Pero no deje que la relevancia se interponga en el camino de otro comentario sobre el poder justo del PIDCP y la ley interna. Nick P: Recomendaciones sobre friendica o buddycloud Las redes sociales están diseñadas para recolectar información. Por lo tanto, diría que la seguridad consciente debe evitarlo. Sin embargo, había una vez un producto interesante donde hicieron un plugin del browser que autoencrypted la materia en Facebook, gorjeo, etc. Cualquier persona que usted permitió ver sus postes como el plugin lo descifraría seemlessly. Theres posibles problemas a todo esto, pero el concepto es decente y similar a OTR. Un descuidado mentiroso patológico escéptico se ve obligado a reconocer que la ley que no le gusta existe. Segunda línea de defensa para nuestro parásito de seguridad simbólica es afirmar, sin evidencia (él ni siquiera parece saber lo que son los enlaces) algún argumento ilegible relacionado con algo que es relevante. Puede ser un intento cojo en un brushoff de arco, lo cual podría funcionar si tuviera un medio de sigma adicional de IQ, pero no lo hace y el infierno, es lo suficientemente bueno para el trabajo del gobierno después de todo. Por supuesto, es por eso que los sacos tristes pierden y pierden, en la CIJ, en Irak, en Afganistán, en Ucrania, en todas partes excepto en su pequeño cubículo. Hay cada perdedor es excepcional en cada crítica. La Ley de Inteligencia codifica EO12333 y, de hecho, hace que la recolección masiva de datos sin orden judicial sea legal por ley del Congreso. Segundo. 309 (A) SOLICITUD Los procedimientos requeridos por el párrafo (1) se aplicarán a cualquier actividad de recolección de inteligencia que no esté autorizada por orden judicial (incluyendo una orden o certificación emitida por un tribunal establecido de acuerdo con los incisos (a) o (b) La Ley de Supervisión de Inteligencia Extranjera de 1978 (50 USC 1803)), sub-poena, o proceso legal similar que se anticipa razonablemente para resultar en la adquisición de una comunicación cubierta (ahora analiza cuidadosamente esta parte :) hacia o desde un Estados Unidos person (thats all Americans) and shall permit the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of covered communica-tions subject to the limitation in subparagraph The procedures apply to collection activity. not authorized by a court. reasonably anticipated to result in the acquisition of a cov-ered communication to or from a United States person . and shall permit the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of covered communica-tions Now lets boil it down to plain English: This new law passed by Congress and signed by the President permanently shall permit the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of covered communica-tions not authorized by a court. (They dont need a court anymore I guess.) When I first read the new law I too thought it was OK. But, the act does indeed make it federal law that the government can collect warrantless data on every American, keep it for 5 years or forever depending on their own rules, and use it for all manner of purposes including crime prosecutions or whatever they feel like. In short, just as predicted the law makes legal all the illegal stuff they have done for perpetuity. In particular the FBI was handed a whole new mission of warrantless mass domestic surveillance of Americans. If I am wrong, let NSA, FBI, the President, Congress say so. I dont think they will. Meanwhile, the court was simply penciled out of it all, so it doesnt matter what they say. The act is a masterpiece of Orwellian double speak. So I found some more info on this new Ello social network, and it doesnt seem so great after all. These articles all point out how Ello has around half a mil in venture funding, which will inevitably influence its business decisions towards profitability over user satisfaction. Also, one article points out how its still a proprietary network like Facebook, where you cant connect with users on other networks, its very hard to leave the network to move to a different one, and the code is all closed-source so you have no idea what theyre really doing. In the end, Ello is basically like Facebook, just without the ads (for now). Bob S, thats pretty typical of the University of Phoenix grade law they churn out in the SCIFs. Any old word salad will do. as long as 200 different civil-service drones got a chance to red-pencil commas in and out. So the government security parasites pile up more and more crap Stasi law in blithe ignorance of the necessity and proportionality tests to which this country and its allies acceded. American chumps mostly dont know any better but all this officially-sanctioned espionage and sabotage is poking big rips in that poor bedraggled scarecrow NATO. (The same dynamic crippled NATO in Afghanistan as ridiculous US torture rules made our partners unwilling to hold prisoners. They had real laws, you see, so they couldnt sink to US levels and get away with it, so European forces played hot potato with detainees, who wound up getting exterminated by warlords in a historic war-crime spree.) Putin and Xi are watching with glee as beltway dumbshits wreck their own bloc. . opportunistic libertarian Representative. grossly stupid . Hmm. Something makes we think your powder is wet when you start by throwing around insults. He wasnt the only one objecting to the added language. To your adds legal limits where previously there were none add: adds statutory authority for dubious executive order when previously there was none. And as far as the supposed limits that were added, the person from the ACLU quoted in the first article I linked to above: . these restrictions are far from adequate, contain enormous loopholes. And finally: Why slip this in at the last minute without any debate if it is all so above board Lots of people are critical of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who apparently slipped this in, for cheer-leading rather than doing what they are supposed to be doing, which is effective oversight. Must have wanted to restore public trust and prove all those critics wrong, eh So does this law render parallel construction mute It seems that from now on, anything the NSA can collect may appear in a criminal cases before the courts. Its an interesting project. I have no real opinion of its security at the moment because it would take a lot of analysis. Might do so in the future but it has a lot of components that interact, under control of many different parties. Such complexity prevents me from throwing together a quick prelim analysis. Nick P: I have to set up some social networking early next year and have to make a design decision. At least the buddycloud / xmpp guys seem to be security aware. Secure and Private Social Networking et. Alabama. It is not theoretically possible to do social networking without revealing part of whole of you data. We have to look into aspects of physical hardware, software, people, processes and procedures, motivations. mucho mas. Something very informal and spontaneous below (not a proper theorem): You can see a participant, P as a set of data D where the sub-elements of D would be his personas. In order to communicate with a participant, sub-elements of D must be revealed (thus his personas). If more than enough participants requests sub-elements of D, you can say that you have effectively constructed D with close reliability. D can include fake or real personas. Lets put it this way that all the participants are Lilith (malicious entity) that attempts to construct D of P. Lets model P as a random oracle with an access control list of A and the random oracle as R. A participant is Px where x is the participant number (not according to order). If we rate A on a scale to allow access to R, then if A is tune to the strictest levels, R would be completely inaccessible (might as well not be a social network participant). Varying controls of A would allow R be queried by other Px. Vice versas, Px who queried can be queried by other Px according to their A as they are also a random oracle R. Pt is defined as the target of attack. We can build a list of relationship and data of a targeted Pt by having every other Px in the network query Pt. If all Px could query and retrieve Pt as R then it would be varying degrees of D1..n sub-elements of Pts which all the Px would have to take their knowledge of Pt and put together to get D or close to a complete D. From the above thought experiment, we can see that privacy cannot be fully achieved in any considerable efforts in a social network. Thus, if privacy is valued, information must be controlled to reduce the amount of mappings to acquire D. So now that the CIA abuse report is out, and we see it all came down from the top, with the oh we got caught with our pants down so you see, we just had, i mean had too, torture to get back on top excuse. (because were incompotent or lazy or both, ((I dont think anyone could forsee terrorists using airplanes. ))) The question is: When are lindsay and the other MPs who were directly ordered to soften up those Arab men for questioning by the men who didnt wear uniforms, but instead blue jeans and button down shirts going to be pardoned and freeed You remember her, the young lady pointed at the naked mens genitals with a fag in her mouth If this was all a top down organization, and the generals and president and exucutives all admit they did it, they had to it, why are the only people in jail the young poor dumb ones at the bottom of the ladder The news world is all up in arms about some bullshit report from rolling stone mag about a rape that did or didnt happen. Where the fuck are all the journalists From a security point of view, how do we design a system where todays problem cannot happen The founders obvsiouly were a well thinking group, isolating and playing the branches off of one another. Almosts as if each branch of gov was its own untrusted compuiter cell, that we needed to do work on info, but we cant quite trust. So what went wrong Is it the advance of tech Has it become too easy, too fast, to collect and collate info Has the force multiplier become too great is there such leverage againsnt the have nots that control, which is what the gov is and why it was always fractured and limited, can feel free to seek permanant domain How much longer until we stop with the pretense of elections, and explanations, and just get on with the jack boot thuggeray. I dont see a design answer. I think its just inevietable, weather roads and the time of transportaion with Rome, or too much control over too much data, the states maybe at an end. The Founders design assumes the people will play an active role in preventing, detecting, or correcting problems. They might use their money, votes, lawsuits, or guns in worst case scenario against corrupt government. In our country, the people mostly (a) dont participate or (b) participate in ways that maintain a fertile environment for corruption. The result is concentration of power without effective accountability into hands such as NSA/FBI/CIA. The peoples behavior is what needs to change first as the government can always just use force against the dissenters, esp privacy tech builders. Wealth is a big book. I havent read it cover to cover. And its probably a bit of a slog to read cover to cover but it is broken up into volumes and parts and the writing is much more accessible than you might think. I think you need a good grasp of the historical context to make sense of what he is saying. I got interested in Smith because Wealth is cited and quoted relentlessly by economists, politicians (on both the left and the right) and in the media. So whats that all about The interesting thing is that a lot of the quotes are selective and lots of what Smith is claimed to have written or argued doesnt match whats in the book. And the meaning of what he was saying is often butchered as it is taken out of historical context. And that includes statements made about Smith by distinguished academics at elite universities, some with a Nobel Prize in economics to their name. Dont trust them. Take a look for yourself. Wealth is available on line here and probably elsewhere. So heres an example. Youll often see discussion of Smiths theory or concept of the invisible hand. There is no theory or concept of the invisible hand in the book. The phrase the invisible hand appears only once (IV.2.9) and hundreds of pages into the book. Its a metaphor. It was a commonly used metaphor in the 18th C. Smith uses it once in each of his books in different ways. Whenever you you hear or read someone talking about Smiths concept of invisible hand your BS detector should be emitting a loud scream. Adam Smiths invisible hand concept doesnt come into existence until more than a hundred years after the books publication. And it doesnt really take off until after WWII. Since 1948 most people appear to have gotten their invisible hand concept from Paul Samuelsons Economics textbook. This textbook is the best selling economics textbook of all time. And Samuelson selectively quotes and mangles Smith in it. But as the publisher writes in their blurb: it ignited the Samuelson revolution--a movement which has endured for half a century, and influenced millions of young minds in hundreds of the worlds best learning institutions. Not sure thats a great endorsement of the value of the 50K a year youll pay for an economics degree at some of those institutions (not a few of which are snorting Koch). Whats going on is that for the most part economists, bankers, politicians etc. are trotting out Smiths supposed ideas ritualistically to legitimate whatever they think needs legitimating. Extra Extra US satellite Britain steps on its crank trying to suck up to NSA Sophia in t Veld, a Dutch politician who chaired the European Parliaments recent inquiry into mass surveillance exposed by Snowden, told The Intercept that she believes the British government should face sanctions if the latest disclosures are proven. Compensating Belgacom should be the very least it should do, int Veld said. But I am more concerned about accountability for breaking the law, violating fundamental rights, and eroding our democratic systems. Reparations: compensation, restitution, satisfaction or countermeasures. With interest. Ka-ching State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts Chapter II. Put that in your Budget Box, Osborne. Multiply it by 193 ICJ or PCA member nations. GCHQ rain man Iain Lobban is gonna cost ya. Jacob re: It seems that from now on, anything the NSA can collect may appear in a criminal cases before the courts. Or it may simply legalize zersetzung signature strikes, bypassing courts altogether. And justify pre-crime conditioning. They may be normalizing the idea that punishment can be detached from due process. Bob S. is right on the money with his parsing of this monstrosity. 309(b)(1) requires each head of an element of the intelligence community to adopt procedures. 309(b)(3) contains two substantive requirements for what those procedures. This crime against the English language is the heart of the provision: The procedures. shall apply to any intelligence collection activity not otherwise authorized by court order (including an order or certification issued by a court established under subsection (a) or (b) of seetion 103 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U. S.C. 1803)), subpoena, or similar legal process that is reasonably anticipated to result in the acquisition of a covered communication to or from a United States person and shall permit the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of covered communications subject to the limitation in subparagraph(B). So, lets parse this ugly, ugly mess. Weve basically got two verb clauses. Stripped down, this sentence says The procedures shall apply to some stuff and shall permit some stuff. Lets handle these clauses one at a time: What do the procedures apply to The procedures. shall apply to any intelligence collection activity not otherwise authorized by court order. subpoena, or similar legal process that is reasonably anticipated to result in the acquisition of a covered communication to or from a United States person. So, basically, they apply to warrantless spying on Americans. What do the procedures permit The procedures. shall permit the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of covered communications. Whats a covered communication Thats defined in 309(a)(1) -- covered communication means any nonpublic telephone or electronic communication acquired without the consent of a person who is a party to the communication, including communications in electronic storage. So, in short, the procedures permit acquiring (i. e. intercepting), retaining, and disseminating basically any telephone call or electronic communication to or from an American. Now, you may have noticed a bit of sleight of hand here. Congress does not come out and straightforwardly say OK, intelligence agencies are authorized to spy on all Americans telephone calls and e-mails. Instead, they require the intelligence agencies to adopt procedures, and say that the procedures shall permit them to spy on all Americans telephone calls and e-mails. It that strikes you as backasswards, thats because it is. The opaque language is doubtlessly an effort to hide the ball. Nevertheless, a court tasked with interpreting this language is going to have to find that Congress implicitly granted authority for this spying when it required the intelligence agencies to adopt procedures that permit it. (The contrary would be absurd -- Congress instructing the agencies to adopt procedures that say they are permitted to do something they actually cannot do.) More immediately, the intelligence agencies are going to interpret this as a grant of authority. But wait, what about that part that says subject to the limitation in subparagraph(B) Theres limitations on this Were saved Um, nope. Go look at subparagraph (B) First, of the three acts permitted -- acquiring, retaining, and disseminating -- the limitations only apply to retention. There are zero limits on acquisition -- meaning zero limits on when and how the government can spy on your communications. And there are zero limits on dissemination -- meaning that the NSA can share information with the IRS, the local cops, the DMV, and even Walmart. (None of which have legitimate national security functions.) Finally, the limitations on retention arent meaningful. The baseline is 5 years -- which is a pretty damn long time to keep every communication by every American. Then come the exceptions that allow permanent retention. Right off the bat, we should see 309(b)(3)(B)(iii) allows permanent retention of anything encrypted. So thats, at the very least, all https traffic, all cellphone traffic, and most e-mail. (Note that theres no exception to the exception for encrypted communications that were subsequently decrypted.) And then there is 309(b)(3)(B)(vii) which basically boils down to if the intelligence agency feels like it So in sum, this provision authorizes unlimited interception of all telephone and electronic communications of all Americans, without a warrant (or any other court approval). Two closing notes: First, let us not forget that, although Congress may have passed this bill, it is anathema to the Constitution. The interception of private communications is a search. With exceptions few and narrow, the Fourth Amendment forbids searches, except pursuant to a warrant issued upon probably cause. Even under the most lenient of exceptions, generally only available in exigent circumstances, a search still requires a reasonable suspicion based on specific and articulable facts that a particular person has committed (or is about to commit) a particular crime. It is plain, beyond argument, that the Constitution forbids what Congress purports to authorize in this bill. Second, I shall respond to the arguments raised by our resident maybe-troll-maybe-NSA-sockpuppet Skeptical, because they appear to be the emerging TLA talking points. With respect to the argument that this provision does not authorize new powers of collection, it does for the reasons explained above. With respect to the argument that this provision actually adds legal limits where previously there were none, it does not for two reasons. First, the warrantless mass surveillance conducted to date IS illegal. Período. (Constitution, remember) No further law is required. If Congress really felt like saying something on the issue, the correct thing to say would be Just to be clear, warrantless mass surveillance is illegal stop doing it. Second, as explained above, there are no meaningful limits in this provision -- no limits on collection, no limits on dissemination or use, and the limits on retention are Swiss cheese. Hash collector / automatic checksum listing software with a system for public databases could be huge improvement in security for little cost and complexity. It searches recursively the whole filesystem in all folders and subfolders for executable files and makes sha512 hashes of them. That is at most half hour waiting. Then the list of hashes is handled either off-line or on-line. There could be one or more on-line databases where the hash listing file could be uploaded. Or user could download the latest database file that has all hashes of executables from official repositories of ten most popular Linux distributions plus freeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows. The file would not be that big. Then every hash is checked. That takes maybe seconds or minutes. If there is mismatch, on-line database site could also include the original executable files in its response message if license allows. Theoretically the hash collector could be used like any software installed from repo, to the same OS installation, automatically in schedule once per day, but is there reason to believe that the malware to be found would not alter the hash collector where it resides (for example in /usr/bin). That is why the hash collector is meant to be used for partitions of other Linux installation or other OS, either from a live system or by mounting the physical storage media of other OS installation to a Linux that has the hash collector installed from a repo. The file that contains the correct hashes could be formed by a peer to peer process and disseminated like files in bittorrent. If the malware attack is not widespread enough, the malware influenced results would be in minority. Processing card accelerated encryption and big cables New intercontinental submerged data cable is going to be laid on sea bottom between Brazil and Europe because of scandalous revelations about spying. There is high chance that a wiretapping devide will be installed on it. The device filters in and stores small part of the flowing data to terabytes of hard disks. That data is then regularly collected by a ship / boat that uses a submarine robot. The wiretap device is powered by plutonium-238 or the data collection ships robot also changes batteries. That is why that kind of cables, whether going thru sneaky countries land or international waters, need encryption-decryption facilities at both ends. Lets say its 1000 gigabits traffic like at least one trans-atlantic cable. What say encryption and hardware specialists. If using 100 computers with 10 gigabit network cards, could they encrypt enough if they use encryption accelerated by so-called graphics cards using openCL or CUDA All or most new 3D gaming graphics cards can do openCL stream processing that has not necessarily anything to do with graphics (CUDA is Nvidia thing). Bitcoin has used openCL computing massively. Seems like the encryption hardware on one end for that inter-continental cable would cost about 50000 euros. Is there a special encryption format designed for openCL or just special implementation of some common cipher for openCL New Breaking bad spinoff called better call Saul is coming. From what I have heard, it has great potential for some infosec related plots, despite happening in 2002 at least in first season. Breaking bad was really good, as good as Star trek the next generation, and by the way, as a strange sidenote comparison, both had lots of infosec elements and high tech gadgets integral to plot. Maybe someone has right contacts or is able to write fan letters to right parties about these thougts: Imagine, both Better call Saul and some hypothetical new star trek series or movie could involve: public key encryption, digital signatures, hashes, certificate authorities, zero knowledge proof, legality-based demands for information and secrecy (like national security letters to Lavabit ) Has any tv series already had a Lavabit-like case as a plot It would be awesome if Saul Goodman got that kind of case. sena kavote Who is going to guarantee the hash files. It is not hard to hash files and spread them. It is hard to setup trust relationships. Crypto-facilities at both ends of fibre cable channels. Might just infiltrate the encryptors (most encryptors are backdoored anyway) or probably just buy the companies over. What if the crypto stuff are Government shell company fronts What people need are proper education and tools on security. End-to-end encryption is only as good as the OPSEC and the integrity of the hardware and software. Most hardwares and softwares are exflitration-friendly. You cant stop USS Jimmy Carter from doing its job in the open seas (unless a declaration of war via nation states) but what you can do is push more information on the proper operations of security and better knowledge so people can decide. What can be done is to route the cables through the waters of friendly states and maintain proper diplomatic ties and set strict guidelines and naval patrols to protect and deter offending vessels from violating national waters. It might be very difficult on this one as the US war eagles would drag a long axe and ensure friendly nations turn sour enemies to get what they want. A few thoughts on private social media. If the chat side is excluded for now, most features of Facebook could use PGP-encrypted emails as back end. Lets imagine Fakebook, a Thunderbird plugin the GUI of which looks (almost) exactly like Facebook. Differences are under the hood: Add contact Ask for (name public key) IRL, send PGP encrypted friend request mail. Accept contact request Send a return mail that contains HTML for a profile, bundled with pictures, status updates, likes, shares etc. of some specific profile of that user. Both users authorize their friend individually, similar to XMPP. The contact also sends all digitally signed public keys of their public friends to user so he can add them as well, although the local client warns about lower security rating. The nice thing is, this makes obtaining trustworthy keyring a status symbol, although I can see how people might abuse it. Publish something on your/friends wall Send email and ask to forward the content of it to friends as well. Easier to control recipients with black/white/opt-in contact lists. Send message, calendar update, link, invite Create an email with specific content. Send IM Send OTR-chat message with XMPP. Create group conversation Use mpOTR like Crypto Cat. Refresh profiles Check for mail. Piggy backs on existing gratis protocols Yes. Supports data-diode PGP-key exfiltration protection Yes. The system doesnt have to use PGP/(mp)OTR but I wanted to simplify this example. One immediate problem is lack of deniability with publications a user might not want someone not in friend list to see - this problem also exists in Facebook. The problems are related to the walls or publicly published PIIs. whatever is published cannot be easily reverted due to the way internet media works. Crypto is possible over P2P or F2F protocols but crypto is just an aspect. Tracking people via other means and mapping them is the real problem. An example of encrypted chat side channel attacks includes screenshots. It is hard to stop screenshot attacks like what if the legitimate user take a photo and post online Probably the only thing is just logical security sense by controlling leaking PIIs to some extend. Of course it is possible to have a privacy concerned social network. What you need is a secure and anonymous decentralized peer to peer network such as GnuNet . In such a network you can have an app (that runs on your own computer) or web page in where you can decide to who / which subgroup you share your particular info with. Identifying is easy. You just share your public keys ab front in person. The consequences of a p2p network is that you need to have a data pool on your computer where data is being mirrored so that the network still can work when lots of computers are turned off. The big problem however is not technical at all. It is that such a network can never compete with the likes of Facebook and Google. This kind of companies do deliver. They have unlimited resources to tackle any problem, including the hard ware, stunning visual effects, latency, legal, bribing and advertising of their products. And they have already won. Their installed base is massive. It will take decades for that to change. Just look at how long it took for Linux to win the desktop (. ) Be honest, everyone uses Windows or Apple and everyone uses Google and Facebook (not me actually). Changing that with a small group of volunteers working in their free time without any serious funding. it will take a while. Btw, GnuNet is looking for volunteers to help them. They just want all forms of communications (according to the new bill) in an indirect manner. Thoth Yes, that is what I see. Further, the length of time for retention of data is to be determined by those same intelligence agencies. What at crock of crap NSA doubled down and won the jackpot. Bob S It sure looks that way to me. The Intelligence Act codifies EO12333 and thus indeed does make mass collection of warrantless data all legal by Act of Congress. Bob S That is basically the case. It has to be unconstitutional But, I am not sure how to reverse this travesty What do the procedures permit The procedures. shall permit the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of covered communications. Whats a covered communication Thats defined in 309(a)(1) -- covered communication means any nonpublic telephone or electronic communication acquired without the consent of a person who is a party to the communication, including communications in electronic storage. So, in short, the procedures permit acquiring (i. e. intercepting), retaining, and disseminating basically any telephone call or electronic communication to or from an American you may have noticed a bit of sleight of hand here. Congress does not come out and straightforwardly say OK, intelligence agencies are authorized to spy on all Americans telephone calls and e-mails. Instead, they require the intelligence agencies to adopt procedures, and say that the procedures shall permit them to spy on all Americans telephone calls and e-mails. It that strikes you as backasswards, thats because it is. The opaque language is doubtlessly an effort to hide the ball. Nevertheless, a court tasked with interpreting this language is going to have to find that Congress implicitly granted authority for this spying when it required the intelligence agencies to adopt procedures that permit it. MrC Nail on the head That is exactly the way I read this steaming pile of legal dung. The intelligence agencies get to make their own rules and change them as they see fit - behind closed doors Worse, the length of retention and the determination of enciphered data is defined by those very same intelligence agencies. This appears to void most of the Fourth, Fifth and parts of the First Amendments of the US Constitution not to mention the Press Reporters right to confidential informants - and probably voids various statute of limitations regarding criminal prosecutions. Its the worst outcome for the Average Joe. It is a huge fishing expedition for Non-National Security violations I cannot imagine a better outcome for the Intelligence Community/Law Enforcement Establishment - let a lone the recording industrys Digital rights management laws. The only positive outcome of this pile of cram-down legislation is the remote possibility that some powerful Judge or Politician will become entrapped in this abusive communication drag net, get enraged and somehow reverse this travesty. Gerard van Vooren Privacy can come if the following can be solved. User X has Pubkey modulus 0xE1 0x4F 0xFE 0xD4. (2048 bits). User X has attributes of friends User A, B, C. They have each others Pubkeys. Each user has a set of user attributes like their nickname, probably a photo. an email, some short Mood messages. etc. Now all the PIIs are tied to a set of modulus for a Pubkey. How does a User X keeps A, B, C as friends without the tagging PIIs. It would be even worse if the PIIs contain Wall messages (FB style). A person could probably not put a photo, not put an email, not use a reasonable nickname, not add Mood messages and not post any Wall messages and that would reduce the attack surface but that is exactly what most people are unlikely to do on FB or social networks. That is how social network works. Inherently insecure in design because it tempts users to post Wall messages and such. You can use public RSA or ECC key but once names, emails, Moods, pictures, messages, PIIs starts appearing. it can be harvested. A deeper attack would be to trap a friend voluntarily or not to divulge or to fake a friendship. Compromising computers to observe and send back whatever glimpsed from a compromised computer, using human social engineering and whatever other known or unknown attacks. This is applicable for Bitcoins or whatever coins it is in any other incarnation. As long as there is a static main identifier like a key ID with trailing attributes, it becomes easy to start generating a relationship map. This is probably how NSA/GCHQ/BND. etc. grabs all the link data over fibre cables or Google trunk link and all those TAO catalogs talk about. I wont expect anyone to deploy data diodes all the time (its not reasonable). Ask a journalist (Glenn Greenwald) to use PGP and its like the worst experience he had for crypto despite Snowden teaching him how to use a PGP. So the main thing I am pointing at is. crypto and distributed social technologies are good on the technical basis of crypto and distributed security. It does nothing to solve the problem I brought up in the first place which is how to make an identifier not an identifier (which is the main focus on most data collection by NSA/GCHQ/BND. HSAs) on how they spy and correlate people from their social activities. In summary, crypto and distributed security is OK and fine but the big staggering issue that I feel is hindering privacy is not solved whereby identifiers can be correlated with little efforts on the scale of being able to sit on major trunk links and listen in with the likes of those Powers That Be. I am probably dumb but I cant understand why it cant work. The only thing you share in the network for identifying purposes is your pubkey. You dont share anything else. And you exchange pubkeys in person with the people you like. Then you decide which part of your personal information you share with these persons. For the rest the network is anonymous. Gerard van Vooren Multiple level threat schemes inlcuding computer infiltration, social engineering. The distributed crypto network works for privacy to a limited degree with low assurance to its design. It simply rely on network based security with cryptography. No technology can prevent social engineering. Running on insecure hardware and software is a huge problem (yes it is indeed impractical to use anything more than Win/Nix/OSX). Forgive me but I just dont see privacy as the utmost priority of social networking applications beyond the standard privacy options offered by facebook, google, whatsapp, linkedin and others. If you have familiy photos, video, or other media that you want to keep access to a few, store them in a file locker with priviledges. Most social networking pages are used for self-promotional purposes such as landing a job, public relations for public figures, showing off ones wealth and latest accomplishments, etc. I doubt their users really care about privacy as most posters here do to the point that theyd quit using the service. If you think a facebook person might be faking it or pretending to be someone else, pick up the phone or meet in person to verify. Some of you are taking these social networks way too seriously. Just treat it like myspace, then you really got nothing to grind your teeth about. MrC, Bob S, et al: re Section 309 I see the problem youre all having. There are existing limits in law, constitutional and statutory, on surveillance of private communications. Where the bill states the procedures. shall apply to any intelligence collection activity not otherwise authorized by court order. subpoena, or similar legal process that is reasonably anticipated to result in the acquisition of a covered communication to or from a United States person . the bill is referring obviously to lawful intelligence collection activity. Reading the bill as itself authorizing any intelligence collection not otherwise authorized by court order, subpoena, or similar legal process results in an absurd interpretation - that the law authorizes everything not otherwise authorized. For many reasons, this is not an interpretation any court will make. Any practicing lawyer or judge will, and should, find such an interpretation bizarre. If you want to really understand Section 309, begin with the title, where the purpose is quite clearly stated: PROCEDURES FOR THE RETENTION OF INCIDENTALLY ACQUIRED COMMUNICATIONS . It is precisely the lack of law regarding the regulation and oversight of the retention of incidentally acquired communications collected under EO 12333 that drew criticism from a former State Department official in July (which I quoted in an earlier comment in this thread). The section focuses upon incidentally acquired communications because there is already law in place that limits the intentional targeting of US persons and the collection of their private communications. Then we must go back to the question of how do we incidentally acquire a piece of communication By the word acquire I assume communication is intercepted and stored somewhere. By the word incidentally I assume that means unauthorized or warrantless. am I understanding this correctly BND teams up with CIA to monitor German internet providers: New BND codename: Globe08.29.16 It8217s an easy drive-by troll, isn8217t it Last week, we asked readers to top the five-storey Blue Screen of Death spotted in Thailand, and examples big and small flooded the inbox. Manchester Piccadilly Station is either vying for the crown with last week8217s entry, or perhaps it8217s a display from the same maker. Thanks to James for catching this shot from 2013. Server The advantages of a Linux server over expensive Windows systems are numerous with hardly any drawbacks. Since Linux is not dominant as Windows, there are some slight difficulties to find applications based on this platform to support the needs. While security stands as an important aspect for servers, the advantage over dominant operating systems is that security flaws are caught in Linux, even before they become an issue for the public. Linux was one of the first open-source technologies in which you can download the source code and change it any way you like. Several Linux coders have developed software thats completely open-source for any user, improving the security and usability at each core. Nginx, HAProxy and Linux Virtual Server are three different Linux load balancer to consider for multiserver, high-traffic requests in the data center. I was recently asked to get data from a computer that controlled security cameras after a crime had been committed. Due to the potential issues I refused to collect the computer and insisted on performing the work at the office of the company in question. Hard drives are vulnerable to damage from vibration and there is always a risk involved in moving hard drives or systems containing them. A hard drive with evidence of a crime provides additional potential complications. So I wanted to stay within view of the man who commissioned the work just so there could be no misunderstanding. The system had a single IDE disk. The fact that it had an IDE disk is an indication of the age of the system. One of the benefits of SATA over IDE is that swapping disks is much easier, SATA is designed for hot-swap and even systems that dont support hot-swap will have less risk of mechanical damage when changing disks if SATA is used instead of IDE. For an appliance type system where a disk might be expected to be changed by someone whos not a sysadmin SATA provides more benefits over IDE than for some other use cases. I connected the IDE disk to a USB-IDE device so I could read it from my laptop. But the disk just made repeated buzzing sounds while failing to spin up. This is an indication that the drive was probably experiencing stiction which is where the heads stick to the platters and the drive motor isnt strong enough to pull them off. In some cases hitting a drive will get it working again, but Im certainly not going to hit a drive that might be subject to legal action I recommended referring the drive to a data recovery company. The probability of getting useful data from the disk in question seems very low. It could be that the drive had stiction for months or years. If the drive is recovered it might turn out to have data from years ago and not the recent data that is desired. It is possible that the drive only got stiction after being turned off, but Ill probably never know. Kernel Space As alluded to earlier and on Twitter, the past few days I have been working on a fresh Windows 10 vs. Ubuntu Linux graphics/gaming performance comparison. This time it8217s looking at the latest Radeon performance using an R9 Fury and RX 480. Tests on Windows were obviously done with Radeon Software Crimson Edition while under Linux were the two latest AMD/RTG Linux driver options: the hybrid AMDGPU-PRO driver and the fully open-source driver via Linux 4.8 and Mesa 12.1-dev. Today, August 28, 2016, Linux kernel developer Willy Tarreau announced the release of the one hundred and third maintenance update to the long-term supported Linux 3.10 kernel series. For some reason, the Linux 3.10 kernel branch is still getting updates, and this new version promises to add quite some improvements and updated drivers, as, according to the appended shortlog and the diff from the Linux kernel 3.10.102 LTS build, a total of 161 files have been changed, with 1800 insertions and 1293 deletions. We reported earlier this month that Collabora8217s developers contributed patches to the upcoming Linux 4.8 kernel to bring the open source Intel graphics driver on par with its Windows equivalent. And now Softpedia was informed by Collabora8217s Mark Filion about some other interesting patches contributed by Collabora8217s developers to the upcoming Linux 4.8 kernel. These patches promise to add huge performance improvements to emulated NVMe devices. Another week, another - rc. Everything looks normal, and it8217s been a bit quieter than rc3 too, so hopefully we8217re well into the 8220it8217s calming down8221 phase. Although with the usual timing-related fluctuation (different maintainers stagger their pulls differently), it8217s hard to tell a trend yet. Regardless, it all looks pretty small. I think the biggest thing in there is a skylake power management fix that came in as part of the gpu updates just before I was about to cut the rc4 release. Oh bien. The other slightly larger change is some btrfs fixes. But on the whole those things don8217t look that scary, and the rest is all really pretty tiny fixes spread out: various driver subsystems (sound, rdma, block), kvm, and some arch updates. The usual shortlog below for the details - it8217s small and easy to scan to get a taste for the kind of things we8217ve had. Go forth and test. Continuing his Sunday tradition, Linus Torvalds released a few minutes ago the Linux 4.8-rc4 kernel. This latest weekly development installment of the Linux 4.8 kernel features a variety of bug/regression fixes, including some last minute DRM fixes that made it into this kernel release. It8217s Sunday evening, so guess what you8217ll be doing in the next few hours Yes, that8217s right, Linus Torvalds has just announced the fourth RC (Release Candidate) version of the upcoming Linux 4.8 kernel branch. Open Sauces Mr Sweary has gone off on lawyers making money on GPL enforcement. Linus Torvalds waded into the Software Freedom Conservancy and Bradley Kuhn over the question of enforcing compliance of the GPL General Public Licence. Software Freedom Conservancy head Karen Sandler made a mistake when she suggested that Linuxcon in Toronto should include a session on GPL enforcement. A number of developers think that while discussing enforcement issues was topical and necessary, doing it at a conference of this kind could well lead to people who took part being deposed later on by lawyers for their own cases. At the Embedded Linux Conference in April, Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) Executive Director Mike Richmond concluded his keynote on the potential for interoperability between the OCFs IoTivity IoT framework and the AllSeen Alliances AllJoyn spec by inviting to the stage Greg Burns, the chief architect of AllJoyn. Burns briefly shared his opinion that not only was there no major technical obstacle to combining these two major open source IoT specs, but that by taking the best of both standards, a hybrid could emerge that improves upon both. Later in the day, Burns gave a technical overview of how such a hybrid could be crafted in Evolving a Best-of-Breed IoT Framework. (See video below.) Burns stated in both talks that his opinions in no way reflect the official position of OCF or the AllSeen Alliance. At the time of the ELC talk in April, Burns had recently left his job as VP of Engineering at Qualcomm and Chair of the Technical Steering Committee at the AllSeen Alliance to take on the position of Chief IoT Software Technologist in the Open Source Technology Center at Intel Corp. Linux8217s founder appreciates what the GNU General Public License has given Linux, but he doesn8217t appreciate how some open-source lawyers are trying to enforce it in court. LinuxCon North America concluded in Toronto, Canada on August 25th, the day Linux was celebrating its 25th anniversary. Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, and Dirk Hohndel, VP and chief of open source at VMware, sat down for a conversation at the event and reflected upon the past 25 years. Here are some of the highlights of that conversation. Red Hat was founded in 1993, two years after Linux was announced and the company has been one of the top contributors to Linux. There is a symbiotic relationship between the company and the project. Whitehurst pointed out that its hard to talk about the history of Red Hat without talking about Linux and vice versa. Two or so years back or so it was looking hopeful that the mainline Linux kernel would finally have a proper VIA DRM/KMS driver for the unfortunate ones still have VIA x86 hardware and using the integrated graphics. However, that work was ultimately abandoned but there is talk of it being restored. Graphics Stack Applications A new version of the popular Geary open-source email client for GNU/Linux distributions has been made available for download earlier today, August 28, 2016. Four months after 1.0 release, motranslator 1.1 is out. If you happen to use it for untrusted data, this might be as well called security release, though this is still not good idea until we remove usage of eval() used to evaluate plural formula. Instructionals/Technical One of the frustrating thing in most Linux distros is that the Num Lock is not enabled on startup. Whenever I start typing my password at system login screen, the focus goes out of the password field. It happens very often with people and this little problem is very irritating. But don8217t worry. You can set your Linux to enable Num Lock automatically on startup. Wine or Emulation WineTricks has seen allot of development recently, some of the notable changes are better IE 8 support, MetaTrader 4 support, Kindle improvements, Russian translation, A new self update function and a massive amount of other fixes and updates. The full changelog sense February 2016 and August 2016 is provided below with a download link to get the latest release. Games Sunless Sea is about to get bigger, as Zubmariner has been confirmed for release on October 11th with Linux support. Linux gamers shouldnt buy games before theyre actually released for Linux or SteamOS. Lots of gamesincluding big-name, AAA gameshave gotten a wave of good press by announcing forthcoming support for Linux and SteamOS, which then never materialized. There are lots of great games you can play on Steam Machines and Linux. Thats why its so disappointing when developers cancel announced ports or, worse yet, go silent and stop talking about them. Heart038Slash is a very cool looking action and adventure game, but sadly I can8217t even tell you if it8217s any good as it crashes instantly. I went to load it up today thinking: this is exactly what I need to play when I8217m feeling ill and give it a write up, but nope. Stellaris 1.3 code-named 8216Heinlein8217 is shaping up to be a pretty big update, and they are re-working Fallen Empires to be far more interesting. A brand new third-person action adventure game is now available on Linux. Some of the people who made The Girl and the Robot are ex Gameloft, EA and Ubisoft developers Desktop Environments/WMs Clarity Icon Theme is completely different from other icon themes because its purly based on Vector design. This theme is based on AwOken and Token, lots of shapes and basic color pallete was taken from these icons. Few icons was taken from Raphael. used some shapes from OpenClipart, Wikipedia, Humanity and AnyColorYouLike Themes. The rest of icons designed by developer by simplifying existed icons or logos. Two types of fonts used Impact and Cheboygan. GNOME Desktop/GTK The GNOME Builder open-source IDE (Integrated Development Environment) designed for the GNOME desktop environment will soon get a major update as part of the upcoming GNOME 3.22 release. I have just returned from our annual users and developers conference. This years GUADEC has taken place in the lovely Karlsruhe, Germany. It once again was a fantastic opportunity to gather everyone who works pretty hard to make our desktop and platform the best out there. Nice thing this year was that almost everyone was staying in the same place, or close this favoured social gatherings even more than in the previous years. This was also helped by the organized events, every evenings, from barbecue to picnic, from local student-run bar to beer garden (thanks Centricular), and more. And during the days Interesting talks of course, like the one offered by Rosanna about how the foundation runs (and how crazy is the US bank system), or the Builder update by Christian, and team meetings. New Releases Softpedia has been informed today, August 28, 2016, by the developer of the Debian-based Q4OS GNU/Linux distribution about the immediate availability for download of a new stable release to the 8220Orion8221 series, version 1.6. The biggest new feature of the Q4OS 1.6 8220Orion8221 release is the latest Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) 14.0.3 desktop environment, an open source project that tries to keep the spirit of the old-school KDE 3.5 desktop interface alive. Q4OS was used the most recent TDE version, so Q4OS 1.6 is here to update it. 8220The significant Q4OS 1.6 8216Orion8217 release receives the most recent Trinity R14.0.3 stable version. Trinity R14.0.3 is the third maintenance release of the R14 series, it is intended to promptly bring bug fixes to users, while preserving overall stability,8221 say the Q4OS developers in the release announcement. Screenshots/Screencasts OpenSUSE/SUSE LuLu Group has selected SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications to help business managers faster identify and respond to new opportunities and competitive threats. Headquartered in the United Arab Emirates, the international retailer runs 124 outlets and operates in 31 countries. It welcomes more than 700,000 shoppers daily. Since starting its retail journey in the early 1990s, LuLu Group expanded its business aggressively and required advanced technology to optimise its business. Hence, it migrated from Solaris UNIX to SUSE Linux as platform for SAP solutions, reducing SAP landscape operating costs at least 20 percent. What role did SUSE play in the growth of Linux and the open source ecosystem How did SUSE and other Linux-based operating systems evolve into the enterprise platforms they are today Here8217s what SUSE employees had to say about Linux history in a recent interview. To help mark the anniversary of Linus Torvalds8217s release of Linux twenty-five years ago, I interviewed Meiki Chabowski, SUSE Documentation, and Markus Feilner, Strategist 038 Documentation Team Lead. Their answers, printed below, provide interesting perspective not only on the history of SUSE, but also of Linux and open source as a whole. Red Hat Family Last year in November I decided that it might be a good idea to fuzz the parsers of package management tools in Linux distributions. I quickly found a couple of issues in DPKG and RPM. For DPKG the process went very smooth. I reported them to Debian8217s security team, eight days later fixes and security advisories were published by both Debian and Ubuntu, the main distributions using DPKG. For RPM the process was a bit more difficult. Back-up and archive specialist CommVault has announced support for Red Hat Virtualisation 4, the open source company8217s kernel-based virtual machine powered virtualisation platform. Red Hat Virtualisation 4 is built on the company8217s enterprise Linux distribution. It provides a centralised management platform for both Linux - and Windows-based workloads. Unfortunately for competitors, VMware has executed on its software strategy consistently enough to stay one step ahead of the prediction of eminent downfall. If it had faltered or introduced a highly defective product, it might have left more of an opening for Microsoft. But instead it has added value to its products and expanded those products into data center operations and virtual networking with such regularity that even IT managers who want to leave have found it hard to cut the cord. Finance Fedora GSoC 2016 finished last week and i am writing this blog to list the work done by me in last three months for Fedora. My project was to adjust pagure and write script(s) so that we can have pkgs. fedoraproject. org on a pagure instance. Alex Larsson from the Flatpak project has announced the release of a new maintenance update to the universal binary package format for Linux kernel-based operating systems. Flatpak 0.6.9 is now the latest version, and it promises to add many great enhancements, among which we can mention the ability to pass partial references every time a terminal command takes a runtime or application name, as well as a brand new command called build-commit-from. Application developers who want to package their apps and distribute it in the Flatpak format can use the above-mentioned command for creating new commits based on the contents of an existing commit, which can be from another local repository or a remote one. There are countless ways to contribute to open source projects like Fedora. Perhaps one of the most obvious ways to contribute is by helping with the Linux kernel in Fedora. At Flock 2016, I gave a talk about the state of the Fedora kernel. One of the themes of the talk was getting more people involved. The kernel is a project for everyone and all are welcome to take part. This article details what you can do to become a part of the kernel. Debian Family Derivatives Canonical/Ubuntu The Mir display server may already be ready for working with AMD8217s FreeSync or VESA8217s Adaptive-Sync, once all of the other pieces to the Linux graphics stack are ready. If the comments from this Mir commit are understood and correct, it looks like Mir may be ready for supporting FreeSync/Adaptive-Sync. While NVIDIA8217s proprietary driver supports their alternative G-SYNC technology on Linux, AMD FreeSync (or the similar VESA Adaptive-Sync standard) has yet to be supported by the AMD Linux stack. We won8217t be seeing any AMD FreeSync support until their DAL display stack lands. DAL still might come for Linux 4.9 but there hasn8217t been any commitment yet by AMD developers otherwise not until Linux 4.10, and then after that point FreeSync can ultimately come to the open-source AMD driver. At least with the AMDGPU-PRO driver relying upon its own DKMS module, DAL with FreeSync can land there earlier. The C/C programming languages dominate embedded systems programming, though they have a number of disadvantages. Python, on the other hand, has many strengths that make it a great language for embedded systems. Let8217s look at the pros and cons of each, and why you should consider Python for embedded programming. Phones Android Android 7.0 Nougat is rolling out to Nexus devices right now and will eventually reach devices from other hardware makers in the coming months. Whether youve just downloaded it or are still awaiting the update, these are the new features youll want take advantage of. Here are 11 things you can do with Android 7.0 Nougat that you couldnt do before. Nougat is herefinally And were not just talking about the opt-in beta. Google has finally released Android 7.0 Nougat for Nexus users. With it comes a slew of new features, tweaks, and changes that should help make your Android experience even better than before. Theres been plenty of information published on Nougats new offeringslike its support for split-screen apps and direct reply messagingbut there are also a number of smaller features that are just as helpful that havent been touted as loudly. Heres a look at some of those hidden features you should be using if youve got Nougat running on your Android device. Nougat the newest version of Googles Android mobile operating system is here, albeit for a very select clique of devices. If youve got a Nexus Phone or a Pixel C, you can download it now. It will also launch on the upcoming LG V20. But if you cant wait and youve got a spare 30 burning a hole on your pocket, youre in luck. Theres now a Nougat port for the Raspberry Pi 3. The idea of a smartphone that magically turns into a full PC has been something of a pipedream for a while now. Motorola tried it with its Atrix laptop dock, Canonical is trying something similar with its Ubuntu Unity phone OS that can dock into a monitor. Even Microsoft is giving it a go with Windows Phone devices that can dock into a slimmed-down ARM Windows environment. The latest attempt with an Android base comes from 8220Maru OS,8221 the brainchild of developer Preetam D8217Souza. Microsoft Windows8217 operating system finally has a way to run on Android tablets and Chromebooks. Thanks to an app called Crossover created by CodeWeavers. Advertisement A while back, Apple created the Boot Camp Assistant so the Microsft Windows operating system can run on a MAC. But as of today, it8217s not only the MAC that is able to accommodate the Microsoft Windows operating system, Chromebooks can now run it as well. Reports say that the Crossover on Android is not just designed to allow the Microsoft Windows operating system to run, it will also let the users play with a ton of games that are only available for Windows. The idea of a smartphone that magically turns into a full PC has been something of a pipedream for a while now. Motorola tried it with its Atrix laptop dock, Canonical is trying something similar with its Ubuntu Unity phone OS that can dock into a monitor. Even Microsoft is giving it a go with Windows Phone devices that can dock into a slimmed-down ARM Windows environment. The latest attempt with an Android base comes from 8220Maru OS,8221 the brainchild of developer Preetam D8217Souza. Maru takes a different approach: while the phone-desktop combos above all rely on more or less a single operating system with different user interfaces for different hardware, Maru mixes standard Android on a phone and Debian Linux on the desktop. Though Maru shares storage, processing power, and connective hardware on the phone between the two operating systems, they8217re still separate pieces of software. The interesting bit is that unlike some other implementations of this idea, the desktop and phone environments run simultaneously on the docked phone and the monitor. A mouse and keyboard need to be paired over Bluetooth to control the desktop environment. Your Android might be controlled by a malicious Twitter account Ed: Stupidest headline Ive seen in a week (designed to rattle). Your computer might be controlled by Microsoft as Vista 10 is remotely controlled even without you installing any additional malware. Google has begun to roll out its latest software, Android 7.0, also known as Nougat. The tech giant has a long tradition of naming its updates after sweet treats, including Marshmallow, KitKat and Ice Cream Sandwich, and this year it opened the decision up to its fans . Although the company has being releasing developer previews of Android N, as it was previously known, as far back as March, the final version is now finally available to download. Here are all the key features in the new update, and how you can download it. SaaS/Back End In the tech job market race these days, hardly any trend is drawing more attention than Big Data. And, when talking Big Data, the subject of Hadoop inevitably comes up, but Spark is becoming an increasingly popular topic. IBM and other companies have made huge commitments to Spark, and workers who have both Hadoop and Spark skills are much in demand. With that in mind MapR Technologies and other providers are offering free Hadoop and Spark training. In many cases, the training is available online and on-demand, so you can learn at your own pace. Are you interested in keeping track of what is happening in the open source cloud Opensource is your source for news in OpenStack, the open source cloud infrastructure project. Databases Since I8217ve created the phpMyAdmin container for Docker I8217ve always felt strange about using PHP8217s built in web server there. It really made it poor choice for any production setup and probably was causing lot of problems users saw with this container. During the weekend, I8217ve changed it to use more complex setup with Supervisor, nginx and PHP FPM. As building this container is one of my first experiences with Docker (together with Weblate container), it was not as straightforward as I8217d hope for, but in the end is seems to be working just fine. While touching the code, I8217ve also improved testing of the Docker container to tests all supported setups and to better report in case of test fails. Funding There is an ongoing campaign for motion comic. It will be done entirely with FLOSS tools (Blender, Krita, GNU/Linux) and besides that, it really looks great (and no, it is not only for the kids). Please support this effort if you can because it also shows the power of Free software tools. All will be released Creative Commons Atribution-ShareAlike license together with all sources. FSF/FSFE/GNU/SFLC I am happy to announce that GNU APL 1.6 has been released. Openness/Sharing/Collaboration The source of the document is now available on GitHub, a cloud-based source code management system. Open Data The worlds most famous fossil is now open source. 3D scans of Lucy a 3.18-million-year-old hominin found in Ethiopia were released on 29 August, allowing anyone to examine her arm, shoulder and knee bones and even make their own 3D-printed copies. s Myself and others at First Draft frequently receive emails from a whole range of people asking how they can start doing the sort of online open source investigation and verification that theyve seen us doing. The skills and methodologies used are all something that can be learnt through a little persistence, but here are a few pieces of advice to get you started. Microsofts Bing made the grave mistake on relying on data collected by Wikipedia for its mapping software and lost Melbourne. While Melbourne might not be the nicest it place to live, there were a fair few who felt that Bing Maps moving it to the wrong hemisphere was not exactly fair dinkum. Apparently Vole made the mistake when it collected the data. Ricky Brundritt, a senior program manager at Bing Maps, said that the outfit does not normally rely that much on Wackypedia, but sometimes it uses it. Open Access/Content From the days of Gutenberg, technology has been linked to education. Curriki and Sankor use open source to bring high-quality education to people who need it, and otherwise cannot access it. Open Hardware/Modding FarmBot is a robotic open hardware system that assists anyone with a small plot of land and a desire to grow food with planting, watering, soil testing, and weeding. It uses a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and other awesome components, including weather-resistant materials. Back to school means back to bashing students. Maybe its time to end that trend. Its that time of year again. As many of us get ready to start the school year, we are bombarded by articles, stories and memes that mock students and denigrate the professors that teach them. By now you have probably seen at least a few articles offering sage advice to this years incoming class of college kids. Maybe the article comes in the form of a handy list or maybe it is just a basic rant about how pathetic students are these days. You have likely already seen that meme of an Einstein look-alike professor sporting an Its in the syllabus T-shirt. It all seems very funny and very wise so your instinct is to share it. Consider this: When in the last decade have you gone online and read anything positive about the start of the school year When have you read that the next class of students is extremely bright and promising That their professors are dedicated and hardworking Or that their places of higher education are preparing them well for their futures We live in an age where college aged students millennials are the most maligned generation in decades. They are described as lazy and clueless and selfish. Stories of them taking selfies, refusing to grow up and move out, and freaking out over trivial issues abound. It has been a while that I have been contacted by a recruiter, and the last few ones were fairly decent conversations, where they made an effort to research me first, and even if they did not get everything right, they still listened, and we had a productive talk. But four days ago, I had another recruiter reach out to me, from a company I know oh so well: one I ranted about before: Google. Apparently, their recruiters still do carpet-bombing style outreach. My first thought was 8220what took them so long8221 8211 it has been five years since my last contact with a Google recruiter. I almost started missing them. Almost. To think that Google is now powerful enough to read my mind, is scary. Yet, I believe, this is not the case rather, it8217s just another embarrassing mistake. In September, Denmark will hold a four-week public survey on the next generation of Digital Post, the countrys eGovernment messaging system. The countrys Agency for Digitisation (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen) is finalising questions on user experience, IT architecture, timetable and procurement approach. The next generation of Digital Post should be future-proof, easy to use and the best possible solution with regards to needs and opportunities, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen announced in August. This summer, 23-year old Solveig Boland from Lten (Norway) created the millionth government mailbox account, the Norwegian government reports. Ms Boland opened her account to obtain documents required for registration in the city of Bergen, where she wants to study medicine. Earlier this month, the student was congratulated by Jan Tore Sanner, Minister for Local Government and Modernisation. According to a press announcement, both Ms Boland and the minister agreed that the digital mailbox is practical. In spring, she will receive her income tax forms in the digital mailbox. According to Difi, the countrys Agency for Public Management and eGovernment, this year the number of citizens that created a government mailbox account has doubled. Health/Nutrition The numbers are big. 218 billion of food is wasted every year in the United States1.3 percent of national GDP, or 1,500 a year for a family of four. In a country with 48 million food-insecure people, this represents 1,250 calories per person, every day. For restaurants and chefs, reducing food waste is becoming business as usual. Not only does it help the bottom line a potential savings of 1.6 billion a year in an industry with tight marginsit saves resources all along the food supply chain. The citizens of Claremont, fed up with the private company that provides their water, voted overwhelmingly in 2014 to seize its water system by eminent domain and convert it to a municipal utility. A Los Angeles state judge has just wrapped up a trial over whether thats legal and is expected to issue a ruling sometime in the next three months. Water users who still get their supply from private companies should be rooting for him to give Claremont a green light. On August 11th, the Drug Enforcement Administration announced its decision to keep marijuana classified as a Schedule I drug. The federal government has historically referred to this category as the most dangerous group of substances, including drugs like heroin and bath salts. As a resident physician specializing in mental health, I cant make much sense of this. Every day, I talk to patients about substance abuse. Whether evaluating patients in clinic, in the emergency department or on inpatient units, my colleagues and I screen patients for substance use. Its a vital component of any clinical interview, particularly in mental health care, and helps us understand patients habits and their risks for medical complications. During my medical training, Ive learned which substances to worry about and which ones matter less. Security In recent years, foreign students have streamed into American universities, their numbers nearly doubling in the last decade. About half of all international students are coming from Asian countries, many of which have been subject to heavy recruitment from American colleges. Taking advantage of the popularity of an American education, a new industry has sprung up in East Asia, focused on guiding students through the U. S. college application process with SAT preparation courses, English tutors and college essay advisors. But not all college prep companies are playing by the rules. In their investigative series for Reuters, a team of reporters found that foreign companies are increasingly helping students game the U. S. college application process. Some companies have leaked questions from college entrance exams to their students before they take the test. Others have gone so far as to ghostwrite entire college applications and complete coursework for students when they arrive on campus. We spoke with Steve Stecklow, one of the reporters on the team, about what they uncovered. illusive networks8217 bread and butter is its deception cybersecurity technology called Deceptions Everywhere whose approach is to neutralize targeted attacks and Advanced Persistent Threats by creating a deceptive layer across the entire network. By providing an endless source of false information, illusive networks disrupts and detects attacks with real-time forensics and without disruption to business. With an eye toward helpiing administrators protect their websites and user communities, Mozilla has developed an online scanner that can check if web servers have optimal security settings in place. It8217s called Observatory and was initially built for in-house use, but it may very well be a difference maker for you. 8220Observatory by Mozilla is a project designed to help developers, system administrators, and security professionals configure their sites safely and securely,8221 the company reports. New FairWare Ransomware targeting Linux Computers Ed: probably just a side effect of keeping servers unpatched A new attack called FaireWare Ransomware is targeting Linux users where the attackers hack a Linux server, delete the web folder, and then demand a ransom payment of two bitcoins to get their files back. In this attack, the attackers most likely do not encrypt the files, and if they do retain the files, probably just upload it to a server under their control. This has been a pretty wild week, more wild than usual I think we can all agree. The topic I found the most interesting wasn8217t about one of the countless 0day flaws, it was a story from Slate titled: In Praise of the Private Email Server The TLDR says running your own email server is a great idea. Almost everyone came out proclaiming it a terrible idea. I agree it8217s a terrible idea, but this also got me thinking. How do you explain this to someone who doesn8217t really understand what8217s going on There are three primary groups of people. 1) People who know they know nothing 2) People who think they8217re experts 3) People who are actually experts Linux is open source which means anyone can look at the code and point out flaws. In that sense, Id say Linus Torvalds doesnt have to be as omniscient as Tim Cook. Linux source code isnt hidden behind closed doors. My understanding is, all the Linux code is out there for anyone to see, naked for anyone to scrutinize, which is why certain countries feel safer using ittheres no hidden agenda or secret back door lurking in the shadows. Does that mean Android phones are safer Thats up for debate. Defence/Aggression During a May 2011 shootout, Indonesia8217s counter-terrorism forces killed the leader of a militant group thought to be behind a series of failed bomb attempts around the city of Solo in Central Java. The death of 8220Team Hisbah8221 founder Sigit Qurdowi caused the group to splinter. Some formed an anti-vice squad in the city many others became associated with a former Solo resident called Bahrun Naim, who authorities believe is a leading Indonesian coordinator for Islamic State (IS). Now, five years later, Naim, based in IS8217s stronghold of Raqqa, Syria, is building an ever-more sophisticated network of militants from his former hometown, according to police, self-proclaimed radicals and people who work with the militants in Solo. Solo, which has a long history of schools and mosques associated with radical Islamists, is a breeding ground for Naim8217s recruits, counter-terrorism officials say, and many of his lieutenants in Indonesia have come from Team Hisbah. As a result, authorities fear the risk of a major attack in Indonesia is growing. A would-be suicide bombers explosives failed to detonate in a packed church in western Indonesia during Sunday Mass, and he injured a priest with an ax before being restrained, police said. The most remarkable aspect of all of this and what fundamentally distinguishes this process from impeachment in, say, the U. S. is that Dilmas removal results in the empowerment of a completely different party that was not elected to the presidency. In fact as my colleagues at The Intercept Brasil, Joo Filho and Breno Costa, documented this week Dilmas removal is empowering exactly the right-wing party, PSDB, that has lost four straight national elections, including one to just Dilma 20 months ago. In some cases, the very same people from that party who ran for president and lost are now in control of the nations key ministries. As a result, the unelected government now about to take power permanently is preparing a series of policies from suspending Brazils remarkably successful anti-illiteracy program, privatizing national assets and changing various social programs to abandoning its regional alliances in favor of returned subservience to the U. S. that were never ratified by the Brazilian population and could never be. Whether you want to call this a coup or not, it is the antithesis of democracy, a direct assault on it. Dilma Rousseff8217s political enemies got their wish this week, as Brazil8217s Senate voted to remove her from office to face an impeachment trial over charges of financial mismanagement. But Glenn Greenwald, founder of the Intercept and long-time resident of Brazil, says ousting Rousseff is likely to make things worse, not better. 8220The only real effect it8217s probably going to have on corruption is that it will protect corruption and make it more difficult to root it out of the political system,8221 he tells Brent Bambury in an interview for CBC Day 6. Rousseff has been suspended from office while the trial goes ahead, a process that could take six months. She is accused of cooking the books to hide the size of Brazil8217s budget deficit while she was campaigning for re-election. It8217s part of a broader investigation including accusations that dozens of lawmakers and state oil execs got huge kickbacks for government contracts. In the middle of her second term, the left-leaning leader is accused of breaking fiscal rules to hide problems in the federal budget. The Green Party is calling for an immediate cutoff of aid to Saudi Arabia and for intense diplomatic pressure to halt the Saudis8217 war in Yemen. 8220Saudi Arabia is using weapons purchased from the U. S. in a campaign of indiscriminate killing in Yemen, with mass civilian casualties, including children, and attacks on medical facilities,8221 said Robin Laverne Wilson, New York Green candidate for the U. S. Senate ( robinforsenator ). 8220The Green Party demands a halt in aid to Saudi Arabia until the war on Yemen ceases and the Saudis stop arming violent movements in the Middle East and observe human rights in their own country.8221 President Obamas Mideast policy is such a confusing mess that he is now supporting Turkeys invasion of northern Syria although its primary target is not ISIS but another U. S. ally, the Kurds, explains Daniel Lazare. Environment/Energy/Wildlife/Nature Conservationists like me want a world where wildlife has space, where wild places exist, and where we can connect with the wild things. Yet time after time, like captives suffering from Stockholm syndrome, wildlife conservation NGOs placate, please and emulate the very forces that are destroying the things they want to protect. Despite our collective, decades-long, worldwide commitment to protect wildlife, few indicators are positive. The Red List thats issued by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature now includes 22,784 species that are threatened with extinction. Habitat loss is the main problem for 85 per cent of species on the list. The number of African rhinos killed by poachers, for example, has increased for the sixth year in a row. Pangolins are now the most heavily poached and trafficked mammals on the planet. One third of the worlds freshwater fish are at risk from new hydropower dams. Two hundred amphibians have already gone and polar bears are probably doomed. Human beings are simply taking too much from the world for its rich diversity to survive. For years, local Ohioans have been told by courts and elected officials that they have no control over fracking it is a matter of state law. However, groups of determined residents are refusing to accept this argument, taking steps to establish local democratic control over what they see as vital societal questions of health, safety, and planetary survival. But not without resistance from their own governments. In recent years, Ohio has seen fracking-induced earthquakes, contaminated waterways, and new proposals for natural gas pipelines and compressor stations, all amidst the accelerating march of climate change. Together, these events have brought the fight against fracking to a fever pitch for the Buckeye State. Fed up, residents have taken to the local ballot initiative process by which citizens write, petition for, and vote on legislation to propose Community Bill of Rights ordinances to ban fracking, injection wells, and associated infrastructure for natural gas production and transportation. Their efforst are part of a growing nationwide Community Rights movement This summer, citizens of Medina, Portage, Athens, and Meigs counties collected signatures for county-wide ballot initiatives that would establish new county charters and enshrine rights to local democratic control over fossil fuel development. All four gathered enough signatures to get on their respective November ballots. Normally, that would be enough. But not in Ohio, where Secretary of State and gubernatorial hopeful Jon Husted has done everything he can to stymie the movements use of direct democracy. The Paris Agreement marked the biggest political milestone to combat climate change since scientists first introduced us in the late 1980s to perhaps humanitys greatest existential crisis. Last December, 178 nations pledged to do their part to keep global average temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over preindustrial levels adding on an even more challenging, but aspirational goal of holding temperatures at 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit). To this end, each nation produced a pledge to cut its own carbon emissions, targeting everything from the burning of fossil fuels to deforestation to agriculture. It seems like a Herculean task, bound, the optimistic say, to bring positive results. Yet, less than eight months later, a study in the journal Nature finds that those pledges are nowhere near as ambitious as they need to be to keep temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius, let alone 1.5 degrees. And in August, British scientists reported that this years record El Nio has already pushed us perilously close to the 1.5 degree milestone. Long before Lewis and Clark paddled by, Native Americans built homes here at the confluence of the Cannonball and Missouri rivers, using the thick earth to guard against brutal winters and hard summer heat. They were called the Mandan people. Now, Native Americans are living here again. They sleep in teepees and nylon tents. They ride horses and drive quad cabs. They string banners between trees and, when they can get a signal, they post messages with hashtags such as ReZpectOurWater, NoDakotaAccess and NODAPL. For weeks, they have been arriving from the scattered patches of the United States where the government put their ancestors to protest what they say is one indignity too many in a history that has included extermination and exploitation. It is called the Dakota Access oil pipeline and it could carry more than 400,000 barrels of crude oil a day from the Bakken region of western North Dakota across South Dakota and Iowa to connect with an existing pipeline in Illinois. Chinas fast-rising population and its burgeoning economy make steep demands on natural resources, so steep that Beijing is searching constantly for supplies from overseas. And it wants to obtain them, naturally, as cheaply as it can. Now in prospect is Chinas trans-Amazon railway a 3,300 mile-long (5,000 km) artery to link the soya-growing areas and iron ore mines of Brazil to the southern Peruvian port of Ilo, providing a cheaper, shorter route than the Panama Canal. Feasibility studies on three different trajectories were carried out by the China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group (CREEC). The route preferred by the Chinese, because it is cheaper and avoids the complex engineering work needed to traverse the Andes, would instead pass through heavily forested areas in the Amazon, home to many indigenous groups in both Brazil and Peru. Miguel Scarcello, a geographer, from the NGO SOS Amaznia, (Portuguese only) says this route for the railway will also cross the headwaters of many rivers. Like many of his conservative white Cajun Catholic neighbors, Mike was a strong Republican and an enthusiastic supporter of the Tea Party. He wanted to strip the federal government to the bone. In his ideal world, the Departments of Interior, Education, Health and Human Services, Social Security, and much of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would be gone as for federal money to the states, much of that, too. The federal government provides 44 of Louisianas state budget 8212 2,400 per person per year 8212 partly for hurricane relief, which Mike welcomes, but partly for Medicaid and, as he explained, Most recipients could work if they wanted to and honestly, theyd be better off. Louisiana is a classic red state. In 2016, its ranked the poorest in the nation and the worst as well in education, health, and the overall welfare of its people. It also has the second highest male incidence of cancer and is one of the countrys most polluted states. But voters like Mike have twice elected Governor Bobby Jindal who, during his eight years in office, steadfastly refused Medicaid expansion, cut funding for higher education by 44, and laid off staff in environmental protection. Since 1976, Louisiana has voted Republican in seven out of ten presidential elections and, according to a May 2016 poll, its residents favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton by 52 to 36. Mike was an intelligent, college-educated man with a sense of stewardship over the land and the waters he loved. Given the ominous crack in his floor and the gas monitor in his garage, could he, I wondered, finally welcome government as a source of help And had the disaster he faced altered his views of the presidential candidates The first offshore wind farm in American waters, near Block Island, R. I. was completed this month. With just five turbines, the farm wont make much of a dent in the nations reliance on fossil fuels, but it shows the promise this renewable energy source could have. When the turbines start spinning in November, they will power the island, which currently relies on diesel generators, and will also send electricity to the rest of Rhode Island. Putting windmills offshore, where the wind is stronger and more reliable than on land, could theoretically provide about four times the amount of electricity as is generated on the American grid today from all sources. This resource could be readily accessible to areas on the coasts, where 53 percent of Americans live. This technology is already used extensively in Britain, Denmark, Germany and other European countries, which have in the last 15 years invested billions of dollars in offshore wind farms in the North, Baltic and Irish Seas. In 2013, offshore wind accounted for 1.5 percent of all electricity used in the European Union, with all wind sources contributing 9.9 percent of electricity. By contrast, wind power made up only 4.7 percent of electricity in the United States last year. Hawaii stands alone in more ways than one. It is the only U. S. state comprised entirely of islands. There are eight major islands, but the Hawaiian Island Chain consists of more than 80 volcanoes and 132 islands, reefs, and shoals that extend across the Pacific for 1,500 miles (that8217s the approximate distance from Houston to San Francisco). Located about 2,400 miles from California, the islands are, in fact, the most isolated inhabited pieces of land in the world. The public cost of cleaning up the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster topped 4.2 trillion (roughly 628 billion) as of March, and is expected to keep climbing, the Japan Times reported on Sunday. That includes costs for radioactive decontamination and compensation payments. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) will sell off its shares to eventually pay back the cost of decontamination and waste disposal, but the Environment Ministry expects that the overall price of those activities could exceed what TEPCO would get for its shares. The Anthropocene Epoch has begun, according to a group of experts assembled at the International Geological Congress in Cape Town, South Africa this week. After seven years of deliberation, members of an international working group voted unanimously on Monday to acknowledge that the Anthropocenea geologic time interval so-dubbed by chemists Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer in 2000is real. The epoch is thought to have begun in the 1950s, when human activity, namely rapid industrialization and nuclear activity, set global systems on a different trajectory. And there8217s evidence in the geographic record. Indeed, scientists say that nuclear bomb testing, industrial agriculture, human-caused global warming, and the proliferation of plastic across the globe have so profoundly altered the planet that it is time to declare the 11,700-year Holocene over. Finance Germanys Vice Chancellor and Economic Minister said that the controversial Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has de facto failed, admitting that negotiations between the U. S. and E. U. have completely stalled. Negotiations with the U. S. have de facto failed, because of course as Europeans we couldnt allow ourselves to submit to American demands, Sigmar Gabriel told the German news station ZDF in an interview that will air at 7pm German time Sunday, according to Der Spiegel. The free trade negotiations between the European Union and the United States have failed, but nobody is really admitting it, Germany8217s Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has said. Talks over the so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, also known as TTIP, have made little progress in recent years. The 14th round of negotiations between American and EU officials took place in Brussels in July. It was the third round in six months. Jobs With Justice regarding the importance of a binding convention on supply chains. Germany8217s Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Sunday that talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a free trade deal being negotiated by the United States and the European Union, had essentially failed. 8220The negotiations with the USA have de facto failed because we Europeans did not want to subject ourselves to American demands,8221 he said, according to a written transcript from German broadcaster ZDF of an interview due to be broadcast on Sunday. 8220Things are not moving on that front,8221 said Gabriel, who is also Germany8217s vice chancellor. BTS speaks with Benjamin Woods of Jobs With Justice regarding the importance of a binding convention on supply chains. Americans believe in the importance of a good days work. And so its understandable that the prospect of a universal basic income (UBI), in which the government would issue checks to cover the basic costs of living, rubs some people the wrong way. Writing in The Week in 2014, Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry envisions a UBI dystopia in which millions of people are listing away in socially destructive idleness, with the consequences of this lost productivity reverberating throughout the society in lower growth and, probably, lower employment. This is a reasonable concern. After all, the most successful anti-poverty programs in the US thus far, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, have been carefully designed to promote worknot enable people to avoid it. But based on the evidence we have so far, theres little reason to believe that a UBI would lead people to abandon work in droves. And even if some people did indeed opt to give up their day jobs, society might wind up reaping untold rewards from their free time in the long run. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the US and Canada were seriously considering the possibility of instating a UBI. During that time, the US government commissioned a series of experiments across six states to study the effects of guaranteed income, particularly its effects on work. The Canadian government introduced a similar experiment in the town of Dauphin. We8217ll have to do something drastically different to employ people in the future. Our jobs are disappearing. The driverless vehicle is here, destined to eliminate millions of transport and taxi-driving positions. Car manufacturing is being done by 3-D printing. An entire building was erected in Dubai with a 3-D printer. Restaurants are being designed with no waitstaff or busboys, hotels with no desk clerks, bellhops, and porters. Robot teachers are interacting with students in Japan and the UK. There are plenty of naysayers and skeptics, of course. The Atlantic proclaimed, 8220The job market defied doomsayers in those earlier times, and according to the most frequently reported jobs numbers, it has so far done the same in our own time.8221 But this is a different time, with no guarantees of job revolutions, and in fact a time of unprecedented machine intelligence that threatens the livelihoods even of doctors, teachers, accountants, architects, the clergy, consultants, and lawyers. A defining feature of Ronald Reagan8217s unsuccessful 1976 presidential bida feature that would animate his political career from that point forwardwas his theatrical depiction of welfare recipients. While he demonized the welfare system as a whole in familiar terms, Reagan8217s ire was largely directed toward single mothers, and his racially coded language was sufficient to make clear his overarching intentions. 8220There8217s a woman in Chicago,8221 Reagan said at a campaign rally in New Hampshire. 8220She has 80 names, 30 addresses, 12 Social Security cards and is collecting veterans8217 benefits on four nonexisting deceased husbands.8221 She operated under several identities, the actor-turned-politician would go on to lament, and her activities were costing those he deemed the 8220hard-working8221 taxpayers dearly. Though, as Josh Levin has documented, Reagan8217s storytelling was vaguely based on a real person and a real case of welfare abuse, his vivid construction of the 8220welfare queen8221 rapidly became larger than life and emerged as a mainstay in the national discourse. Jeff Bezoss relentless focus on user experience has helped him make Amazon the most valuable e-commerce company in the world. But regulators in Europe and the U. S. say that the value Amazon places on the technology behind that experience varies radically depending on which side of the Atlantic its on 8212 and which appraisal will lower its tax bill. In Europe, the e-commerce giant tells authorities that the intellectual property behind its web shopping platform is immensely valuable, justifying the billions in tax-free revenue it has collected there since moving its technology assets to tax-friendly Luxembourg a decade ago. In the U. S. however, it plays down the value of those same assets to explain why it pays so little in taxes for licensing them. Okay, we8217ve been trying to raise the alarm bells about 8220ISDS8221 8212 8220Investor State Dispute Settlement8221 8212 systems for many, many years, even helping to push the term 8220corporate sovereignty8221 to help describe it, since people8217s brains seem to turn to mush when you spell out ISDS. We8217ve pointed out over and over again the problems of such a system where it basically allows companies to sue countries for passing regulations they don8217t like. We8217ve noted over and over and over again how problematic this is8230 and yet people still tell us it8217s no big deal and the system is fair and 8220necessary8221 to keep countries from doing things like simply nationalizing an industry that foreign companies build up. Of course, that doesn8217t happen that often. ISDS corporate sovereignty cases are happening quite frequently, over subjects like Eli Lilly being upset that Canada rejected some patents and Philip Morris suing lots of countries for passing anti-smoking health regulations. Thankfully, Chris Hamby, an excellent investigative reporter with BuzzFeed, has done a massive detailed investigative report into the ISDS corporate sovereignty system and what a complete disaster it is. Much of this was assumed before, but many of the ISDS cases are done in complete secrecy, so there are few details out there. Hamby8217s reporting, though, will hopefully change that. When William Greider wrote his 1989 book about the Federal Reserve, its not hard to understand why he called it Secrets of the Temple. The Feds proclamations can make it seem as mysterious as the Oracle of Delphi. (To be fair, nobody has speculated that hallucinogens are involved, as seems to have been the case in Delphi.) The Feds oracular sages gathered in Jackson Hole, Wyoming last week for the central banks annual retreat. But this years meeting was different: For perhaps the first time in history, some of the Feds leaders met with activists who are fighting to change it. Actually, the Feds not as mysterious as it seems. Some of the its behavior can be explained by its hybrid nature as a publicly created, but partly private, entity. (Its reportedly the only central bank in the world that is not fully public.) As a result, the Feds leaders must struggle to accomplish their goals within a complex set of accountabilities, with multiple boards of directors that include many of the same bankers they are supposed to regulate. AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics Two hundred Labour seats more than 85 of the partys total could be affected by the review of parliamentary boundaries due next month, according to a detailed analysis of the reviews likely impact. Up to 30 Labour seats could disappear altogether, says Lord Hayward, an analyst widely regarded as an expert on the boundary review, while the rest will see their composition altered in some form. Although the changes will also affect the Conservatives, Hayward, a Tory peer, said his analysis of demographics in the UK concluded that Labour is over-represented. I recently got a call from a political analyst in Washington. Trump is dropping like a stone, he said, convincingly. After Election Day, hes history. I think Trump will lose the election, but I doubt hell be history. Defeated presidential candidates typically disappear from public view. Think Mitt Romney or Michael Dukakis. But Donald Trump wont disappear. Trump needs attention the way normal people need food. For starters, hell dispute the election results. Hes already warned followers we better be careful because that election is going to be rigged and I hope the Republicans are watching closely, or its going to be taken away from us. Emboldened by Donald J. Trumps struggles in the presidential race, Democrats in Congress are laying the groundwork to expand the list of House Republicans they will target for defeat as part of an effort to slash the Republicans 30-seat majority and even reclaim control if Mr. Trump falls further. Mr. Trumps unpopularity, which has already undermined the partys grip on the Senate, now threatens to imperil Republican lawmakers even in traditionally conservative districts, according to strategists and officials in both parties involved in the fight for control of the House. That was all very stirring, but who actually comprises the we that makes executive branch policy in the name of the common good when either Democrats or Republicans hold the White House Not the nations working - and middle-class majority, thats for sure. The Dutch political scientists Bastiaan van Apeldoorn and Nana de Graaff recently constructed a richly detailed career profile of the U. S. presidencys top grand strategy makers (GSMs)holders of key policymaking cabinet and senior advisory positionsover the administrations of the 42nd, 43rd and 44th presidents: Bill Clinton (1993-2001), George W. Bush (2001-2009) and Barack Obama (2009-2017). Their findings are like something out of Karl Marxs and Frederick Engels notion of the executive of the modern state as nothing but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie. By van Apeldoorn and de Graaffs calculations, 23 (more than 70 percent) of Obamas top 30 GSMs had top-level corporate affiliationsexecutive, director, senior adviser or partner in a law firmprior to their appointment to the U. S. executive branch. These 23 were linked through a combination of board memberships, executive positions and advisory roles to 111 corporations. These affiliations in many cases display a revolving door pattern, indicating that the actors are not just closely tied to but actually themselves members of the corporate elite. Elite travelers in and out of top positions in the Obama White House include Timothy Geithner, Jack Lew, Peter Orszag, Ken Salazar and Tom Donilon. Geithner went from being Citigroup Chair Robert Rubins handpicked head of the New York Federal Reserve Board to serving (Wall Street) as Obamas first Treasury secretary to his current position as CEO of the leading Wall Street private equity firm, Warburg Pincus. Before replacing Geithner atop Treasury, Lew was chief operating officer at Citigroups alternative investment division, focused on risky and complex proprietary trading schemes. Orszag left his position as Obamas Office of Budget Management director to become vice chair of global banking and chair of financial strategy and solutions at Citigroup and now serves as vice chairman of investment banking and managing director at Lazard. (Salazar and Donilon will be discussed later in this report.) When I was a kid, successive presidents told us we had to fight in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, because if we didnt fight them over there, wed have to fight them on the beaches of California. We believed. It was a lie. I was a teenager during the Cold War, several presidents told us we needed to create massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons, garrison the world, maybe invade Cuba, fight covert wars and use the CIA to overthrow democratically elected governments and replace them with dictators, or the Russians would destroy us. We believed. It was a lie. When I was in college our president told us that we needed to fight in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua or the Sandinistas would come to the United States. He told us Managua was closer to Washington DC than LA was. He told us we needed to fight in Lebanon, Grenada and Libya to protect ourselves. We believed. It was a lie. When I was a little older our president told us how evil Saddam Hussein was, how his soldiers bayoneted babies in Kuwait. He told us Saddam was a threat to America. He told us we needed to invade Panama to oust a dictator to protect America. We believed. It was a lie. Another president told us we had to fight terrorists in Somalia, as well as bomb Iraq, to protect ourselves. We believed. It was a lie. The 2016 presidential election cycle and its three prominent candidates are being held up as representing polarizing interests that are emblematic of the political, economic and cultural tensions of our time. Yet, a look back at the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt reveals some familiar tones and policy positions that capture those of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. As president, Roosevelt is widely celebrated by American progressives for fathering the New Deal, which encompassed financial regulations, union rights and a number of social programs. While FDRs extramarital affairs are well known, what is less known is his racist and anti-Semitic worldview and white supremacist loyalties, which contributed to the suffering and death of millions of the most vulnerable people. Many understand the New Deal as a program to save U. S. capitalism based on Keynesian interventions meant to soften its blow via social programs and collective bargaining rights, while simultaneously regulating the most volatile aspects of the banking system. Media outlets have launched massive investigations into Donald Trumps business and tax history, as well as probes into the lives and past work of his current and former campaign managers Steve Bannon and Paul Manafort. But are these same outlets and journalists refusing to scrutinize Hillary Clinton For more, we speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald. Questions surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation continue to grow. On Sunday, Democratic National Committee interim chairperson Donna Brazile defended Clintons meetings as secretary of state with Clinton Foundation donors, saying, 8220When Republicans meet with their donors, with their supporters, their activists, they call it a meeting. When Democrats do that, they call it a conflict.8221 Donna Braziles comments come in response to an Associated Press investigation revealing that while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state, more than half of the private citizens she met with during the reporting period had donated to the Clinton Foundation. The AP investigation comes after a three-year battle to gain access to State Department calendars. The analysis shows that at least 85 of 154 people Hillary Clinton had scheduled phone or in-person meetings with were foundation donors. We speak to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept. His most recent piece is headlined 8220Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation8221 Of course, she then did a 8220on the other hand8221 and noted the concerns of security folks. Since then, she8217s called for a sort of Manhattan Project on encryption, believing that if Silicon Valley people could just nerd harder, they could make encryption that could only be broken by law enforcement. That8217s not how it works. She8217s also complained that Silicon Valley treats the government 8220as its adversary.8221 So it seems rather noteworthy that, following questions about how well she secured her own emails, combined with email leaks from the DNC and reports that the campaign itself has been hacked, the Clinton campaign has now started using Signal, the popular encrypted messaging system from Open Whisper Systems (which made the protocol that is generally considered the best around for end-to-end encrypted messaging). In the closing stretch of the New Hampshire primary campaign, Hillary Clinton has slammed critics for pointing out that she backed public policies that helped her major campaign contributors in the financial industry. At a debate sponsored by MSNBC, she said it was out of line for her opponent, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, to link donations to my political campaign, or really donations to anyones political campaign, with undue influence with changing peoples views and votes. But time and time again, by innuendo, by insinuation, there is this attack that he is putting forth, which really comes down to you know, anybody who ever took donations or speaking fees from any interest group has to be bought, Clinton said. She dismissed such suggestions as a very artful smear of public officials that is unacceptable in American politics. In her previous presidential campaign, though, Clinton launched an aggressive attack on then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama over campaign finance issues. She explicitly alleged that Obama traded access and legislative deals for campaign cash in a set of public attacks, one of which was criticized as deeply dishonest. With just over two months to go, pundits have all but called the results of the 2016 presidential election. But despite the never-ending torrent of bigotry and obfuscation streaming from the mouth (and fingers) of the Republican candidate, new polling shows that Donald Trump is still neck and neck with rival Hillary Clinton. As of Monday, the USC Dornslife/LA Times tracking poll had the two candidates locked in a virtual tie, with Trump leading slightly at 44 percent and Clinton polling at 43.6 percent. That survey uses a slightly different method than most, asking roughly 3,000 randomly recruited voters on a regular basis about their support for Clinton, Trump, or another candidate. The poll is updated daily 8220based on the weighted average of poll responses over the previous week,8221 which the Times explains, 8220means the results have less volatility than some other polls.8221 Censorship/Free Speech I got an exclusive comment on this situation from Jill Stein Thanks to the free and open internet, peoples eyes are being opened to how corporate-funded media outlets, including PBS, have controlled the narrative by choosing what to report and what to leave on the editing room floor. China will soon enact a new censorship law banning contents relating to preaching terrorism and mandating clearance of a film by three experts besides asking film personalities to abide by moral integrity. The draft of the law aiming to promote the development of the Chinese film industry is being reviewed by Chinas legislature the National Peoples Congress (NPC), state-run Xinhua news agency reported. The draw legislation includes rules stipulating people in the film sector to abide by laws as well as social and professional ethics. The bill was submitted for a second reading NPC Standing Committee which sits from Monday to Saturday. NPC routinely approves proposals from the government vetted by the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC). According to the draft, people working in the movie industry, including actors and directors, should strive for excellence in both professional skills and moral integrity, and build good public images. Chinese film world was rocked by a series of scandals in the recent past as some actors were involved in consumption of drugs. A number of film stars including Chinese Hollywood star Jackie Chans son Jaycee Chan were caught in drug scandals. The South Florida Sun Sentinel killed a news story on its website about Hallandale Beach Vice Mayor Bill Julian admitting on tape that he sought developer favors in return for his vote a move by the newspapers leadership that appears to be part of a pattern of censoring controversial stories, according to multiple sources inside and outside the Fort Lauderdale newsroom. The story concerning Julians alleged bribe-taking was first reported by WPLG-10, where investigative reporter Bob Norman obtained a voice message that the commissioner mistakenly left after he failed to properly hang up a phone. Julian discussed voting favorably for the 450 million Diplomat Golf 038 Tennis Club and linked it to alleged pledges from the developers attorneys who allegedly promised campaign contributions and campaign volunteers as well as a new van for his favorite city charity. In a second report by Norman, Julian admitted it was his voice on the recording. Diplomat representatives deny wrongdoing. But Julian didnt sound so sure in his interview with Norman. The Daily Dot has previously reported that Twitter is censoring journalistss accounts at the request of the Turkish government. The company appears to be censoring their followers accounts as well for retweeting and liking journalistss tweets. The 5th Criminal Judgeship of Peace in Ankara, a court in Turkeys capital, ordered a ban this year on 48 Twitter accounts that spread posts of journalist kamilmaman on Twitter by retweeting and liking his tweets. The judge listed 23 accounts who liked and 25 accounts who retweeted Kamil Maman, a former reporter of Bugn TV. The station was a critical Turkish channel that was raided violently by the police in Octoberfour days before general electionsto replace its editors with government-appointed trustees. During the scuffle, Maman was handcuffed, dragged to the street, beaten by the officers, and spent the night in police custody other journalists who opposed the new trustees editorial policy were fired on the spot. Porn is illegal in Zimbabwe but in spite of this fact, its still being consumed regularly in different formats with one of the recent indicators being the popularity of adult websites on the list of the most viewed sites. Thanks to technology like the internet and the way media is easier to share, produce and consume, its getting harder for the authorities to enforce any regulation on what people watch and make as well so its not surprising that a lot of people are helping themselves to such content. So what does the law actually say about indecent material like porn According to Zimbabwes Censorship and Entertainment Act (which was instituted back in 1967), it is illegal to import, print, publish, manufacture, make or produce, distribute, display, exhibit or sell or offer or keep for sale any publication anything that is deemed by the Censorhip Board to be indecent. I8217m pretty sure giving terrorists free rein is more 8220damaging8221 to 8220brands8221 than the current status quo. Sure, chasing terrorists off the internet is just another form of whack-a-mole, but it8217s not as though these companies aren8217t trying. Facebook8217s policing of content tends to lean towards overzealous. Twitter just removed over 200,000 terrorist-related accounts. And as for Google, it8217s busy bending over backward for everyone, from copyright holders to a few dozen misguided governments. But the internet 8212 including terrorists 8212 perceives censorship as damage and quickly routes around it. The argument can be made (and it8217s a pretty good argument) that it might be more useful to have terrorists chatting on open platforms where they can easily be monitored, rather than pushing them towards 8220darker8221 communications methods. But it8217s tough to reason with lawmakers who find big corporations to be the easiest targets for their displeasure. And, really, their complaints are nothing more than a cheap form of class warfare, one that tacitly asks millions of non-terrorist internet users to sympathize with a government seeking to gain more control over the platforms they use. Lifestage, Facebooks new app aimed at teens, is a great concept that captures a bit of the energy Facebook once had as a startup. Its got a huge privacy issue that may affect teens, though. WhatsApp has been criticised by campaigners after it backtracked on a pledge to not change its privacy policy when it was bought by Facebook in 2014. The US-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (Epic) has claimed the social media firm has violated a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) consent order after it announced it would begin sharing user information such as phone numbers, profile data, status message and online status with Facebook. Under the Federal Trade Commission Act, firms are forbidden from unfair or deceptive trade pratices. There are still people out there who think it8217s a good idea for the government 8212 whether it8217s the FBI, NSA, or other agency 8212 to hoover up exploits and hoard vulnerabilities. This activity is still being defended despite recent events, in which an NSA operative apparently left a hard drive full of exploits in a compromised computer. These exploits are now in the hands of the hacking group that took them and, consequently, also in the hands of people who aren8217t nearly as interested in keeping nations secure. The problem is you can8217t possibly keep every secret a secret forever. Edward Snowden proved that in 2013. The hacking group known as the Shadow Brokers are proving it again. The secrets are out and those who wish to use exploits the NSA never disclosed to affected developers are free to wreak havoc. Lily Hay Newman of Wired examines the aftermath of the TAO tools hacking. The revelations triggered outrage from elected officials, defense lawyers and the American Civil Liberties Union, who said the program raised privacy concerns and could aggravate public distrust in a city that exploded in riots last year after the death of a man in police custody. 8220Widespread surveillance violates every citizens8217 right to privacy the lack of disclosure about this practice and the video that has been captured further violates the rights of our clients who may have evidence supporting their innocence that is kept secret,8221 Paul DeWolfe, the Public Defender for Maryland said in a statement earlier this week. The response put Baltimore, where tensions between law enforcement and minority neighborhoods run high, on the edge of the debate about police use of rapidly evolving technology. The FBI is not bidding on stolen National Security Agency (NSA) source code with bitcoins seized from Silk Road, contrary to a widely reported allegation. Thats according to security experts interviewed by The Hill. The allegation emerged when a bitcoin user sent money to both an NSA source code account and the seized bitcoin account, but no money changed between the accounts, according to experts. The Nauru Files changed everything. The Guardians publication of leaked incident reports from the Manus Island detention centre finally confirmed what many suspected: that the Australian government has been complicit in a campaign of abuse and brutality against those seeking asylum within its borders. The expose, featured on front pages around the world, has turned Australia into an international pariah, and will be a black mark on our history for years to come. Although its received less attention, the Nauru Files have changed a lot for journalists too. Their union, the Media and Arts Alliance, has warned that theyre likely to become a test case for a little known provision snuck into the Governments Data Retention laws, the Journalist Information Warrant Scheme. The new laws allow police and other investigative bodies to seek access to the phone records, emails and browser histories of journalists in order to track down sources they suspect of leaking confidential information. Even before the laws passed, the union had raised concern at the Governments willingness to use police to investigate journalists sources. Civil Rights/Policing As the Silk Road case winds down, Ars Technica posted a great article (seriously, read it) summarizing one of the most interesting aspects of the entire case. It is the story of how two corrupt officers in the DEA and Secret Service attempted to use the Silk Road investigations to illegally profit from and abuse the authority entrusted to them. After reading the article above I became interested in the case and decided to read the criminal complaint filing. Within it there were lots of interesting explanations of how the investigators were tipped off on the possibility of the corrupt activity as well as how they were able to produce the necessary evidence for the case. Warren Hinckle, the progressive, flamboyant, truth-telling, hard-drinking editor and writer who earned the moniker 8220godfather of gonzo journalism8221 by publicizing the likes of Noam Chomsky, Eldridge Cleaver, Susan Sontag, Hunter Thompson, Seymour Hersh and Che Guevara, has died at 77. As editor of San Francisco8217s muckraking Ramparts in the 1960s, he was credited with turning the country8217s moral compass by publishing early denunciations of the Vietnam War, Cleaver8217s prison letters, Guevara8217s diaries and investigative pieces exposing CIA recruitment on college campuses, which won Ramparts the prestigious George Polk Award and the reputation of offering 8220a bomb in every issue.8221 When Ramparts went broke, he went on to start Scanlans Monthly, and then to decades of activism and newspaper columns for San Francisco8217s Chronicle and Examiner. Hinckle8217s mantra for writing and editing: First you decide whats wrong, then you go out to find the facts to support that view, and then you generate enough controversy to attract attention. Always, reads one obituary, Hinckle 8220delighted in tweaking anyone in charge of anything and muckraking for what he fiercely saw as the common good.8221 He was startlingly prescient about America8217s 8220professional megabuck politics,8221 and the need to challenge conventional wisdom. Hinckle starts his 1974 autobiography, 8216If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade8217: 8220In the beginning, we all believed. We believed in many things, but mostly in America8230It could be said that the youth of America, who had so recently studied it in civics classes, tested the system and it flunked. When Martin Luther King wrote of the white moderate, he wrote of the enemy of progress, the foe of social justice, the obstacle to the defining social movement of his time. He understood, perhaps better than many of his contemporaries, that the white moderate was the single most pernicious influence in the broader sociopolitical landscape. For it was the white moderate who opposed the essential and necessary radicalism, who blocked attempts at widening the Civil Rights Movement, who enjoined that demands be tempered, grievances be blunted all while posing as a friend of the movement, a defender of the marginalized and oppressed. Such was the essence of the white moderate in Kings day. Such is the essence of the white liberal today. For it is the white liberal who finds any excuse to slander and attack radical people of color who challenge the ruling class who justifies support for white supremacy, imperialism, and neocolonialism and who does so with the palliative opiate of self-satisfaction the genuine, though entirely wrongheaded, belief in his/her own essential goodness. Sarah Jaffe8217s Necessary Trouble is one of the most essential books of the year 8212 an extensive, vivid overview of 8220trouble-making8221 organizers and movements from the 2008 financial crisis until, if not quite today, then the moment the book went to press. Each chapter not only covers a movement or group of campaigns, but also provides a concise but nuanced historical summary of the issues at hand. In the summer of 2004, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the five-member body which adjudicates US labor law, ruled that graduate student teaching assistants and research assistants at Brown University were 8220primarily students, and not workers.8221 The Bush-appointee-dominated board8217s ruling had immediate implications for graduate students at private universities, who had won protected status under the National Labor Relations Act four years earlier, when the board had ruled in favor of graduate employees8217 organizing efforts at New York University (NYU). The NYU administration, freed by the Brown University ruling from its obligation to negotiate a second contract with the Graduate Student Organizing Committee (GSOC), the first, and to this day, only union to win recognition at a private university (and twice, at that), elected to use the NLRB to break the union. In an attempt to force the recalcitrant administrators back to the bargaining table, NYU8217s graduate employees went on strike on November 9, 2005, and remained on strike well into May of the following year. It was, and remains, the longest strike in the history of the US academic labor movement. Saudi Arabia is governed by Sharia law, which is a set of Islamic rules that pretty much boil down to banning anything that stimulates in any way. Adam elaborates: 8220Everybody knows about beer, pork, and porn, but it also extends to congregating in large groups (more than five, I think) and the playing of music in public. Also, I think Jeddah a popular Saudi resort town has recently forbidden the walking of dogs in public, because they may be used to attract the ladies.8221 Censorship also infiltrates the physical realm: 8220On occasion, I used to buy PC Gamer magazine, and all the computer-generated women had their arms, legs, and exposed cleavage colored in with black permanent marker. (Very precisely outlined, though. The censors were very fastidious in executing their jobs.) And since Islam prohibits the depiction of the human form, many people you8217d see on billboards would have pixelated eyes.8221 (Or sport sunglasses, making all of Saudi Arabia look like it was sponsored by Ray-Ban.) Women around the country are taking off their tops on GoTopless Day, a day that promotes gender equality and women8217s rights to bare their breasts in public. GoTopless Day is celebrated annually on the Sunday closest to Women8217s Equality Day, marking the day American women earned the right to vote. A group of about 50 women and men were walking topless in the oceanside Los Angeles neighborhood of Venice, behind a giant, inflatable pink breast that had the phrase 8220equal topless rights8221 written on it. One marcher carried a sign that said: 8220My Body Is Not A Crime.8221 A few dozen women, and some men, went topless as they walked down Broadway in New York City. Onlookers gawked and took photos as the parade participants went by. The events in New York City and Los Angeles were two of several planned for cities across the globe. Gatherings were planned in New Hampshire, Denver and more. Nicolas Cadne, in an interview at LExpress analyzes the French court ruling issued Friday that struck down the ban by the mayor of Villeneuve-Loubet on Muslim women wearing modest clothing at the public beach. The ban was on the burkini, invented by a Lebanese fashion designer to allow observant Muslim women to go to the beach with their families. But women wearing loose street clothes at the beach have also been bothered by police. Cadne is a rapporteur at the Secularism Watchdog (lObservatoire de la lacit), a Ministry of Education body that advises the French government on the implementation of the secularism provisions of the French constitution. The Counsel of State found that wearing a Burkini creates no trouble for public order and is simply not illegal in current French law. In response, the French right wing has demanded that the National Assembly enact anti-Burkini legislation. LExpress worries that the French executive, or at least the ministry of interior, might be inclined to appease the Islamophobic and anti-immigrant right wing on this issue. LExpress asked Cadne for his reaction. He said he wasnt surprised and was very pleased that the court had upheld rights in such a clear way. He said that the court had reaffirmed the principle that secularism cannot be invoked to forbid wearing a piece of clothing in a public space, which creates no actual difficulty with regard to public order. And they found that the Burkini doesnt generate any such disturbances. Now that I have learned the truth about our national anthem and its author, I8217ll never stand up for it again. First off, the song, which was originally written as a poem, didn8217t become our national anthem until 1931 which was 117 years after Key wrote it. Most of us have no true idea what in the hell we8217ve been hearing or singing all these years, but as it turns out, Key8217s full poem actually has a third stanza which few of us have ever heard. In it, he openly celebrates the murder of slaves. Yes, really. While it has always been known that the song was written during American slavery and that when those words about this nation being the 8220land of the free8221 didn8217t apply to the millions who had been held in bondage, few of us had any idea that the song itself was rooted in the celebration of slavery and the murder of Africans in America, who were being hired by the British military to give them strength not only in the War of 1812, but in the Battle of Fort McHenry of 1814. These black men were called the Corps of Colonial Marines and they served valiantly for the British military. Key despised them. He was glad to see them experience terror and death in war to the point that he wrote a poem about it. That poem is now our national anthem. I will never stand for 8220The Star-Spangled Banner8221 another day in my damn life. I don8217t care where I am or who8217s watching. The statue of the racist Cecil Rhodes, which stood tall in South Africa as a painful relic from white supremacists until March of 2017, was finally removed once and for all. It should8217ve never been erected. It should8217ve been removed a very long time ago, student leaders made it clear that they had had enough. Like Kaepernick, I8217ve had enough of injustice in America and I8217ve had enough of anthems written by bigots. Colin Kaepernick has provided a spark. On this weeks episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges discusses the business of privately-run halfway houses with civil rights attorney Stanley Cohen. After 11-months in prison for a federal tax violation, Cohen spent three months in a New York halfway house operated by the GEO Group. He reflects on what he calls the vile conditions and profit-driven approach at such facilities. RT Correspondent Anya Parampil looks at the world of the for-profit halfway houses located in most major US cities. In the act of going out from an excluding individualism, breaking the idea that everyone can improve their life conditions on their own, there is a big step. Espaol One might ask. After the too much excitement, fancy celebrations, and multibillion dollar gathering, what is next What benefits did it bring to humanity What did the poor get out of the abundant wealth that was spent for these games It is sad to say that not only the poor didnt get anything some of them have lost their livelihoods and places of living altogether for the construction of the arenas. In her article The Olympics Are a Colossal Waste and a Shameful Distraction Sonali Kolhatkar stated, The poorest sectors of society within the host countries experience displacement and other forms of oppression as authorities work hard to impress visiting athletes and spectators. In Brazil, the first South American country to serve as the international showcase, this was certainly true more than 20,000 families were displaced to make way for Olympics-related infrastructure. In fact, the state of Rio de Janeiro, where the games are being held, is in such desperate financial circumstances that state workers are not being paid and healthcare centers cannot even afford to take on the Zika virus crisis. Rio declared bankruptcy ahead of the games, and the states governor declared a state of calamity. Internet Policy/Net Neutrality I f there were a Nobel prize for hypocrisy, then its first recipient ought to be Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook boss. On 23 August, all his 1.7 billion users were greeted by this message: Celebrating 25 years of connecting people. The web opened up to the world 25 years ago today We thank Sir Tim Berners-Lee and other internet pioneers for making the world more open and connected. Aw, isnt that nice From one pioneer to another. What a pity, then, that it is a combination of bullshit and hypocrisy. In relation to the former, the guy who invented the web, Tim Berners-Lee, is as mystified by this anniversary as everyone else. Who on earth made up 23 August he asked on Twitter. Buena pregunta. In fact, as the Guardian pointed out: If Facebook had asked Berners-Lee, hed probably have told them what hes been telling people for years: the webs 25th birthday already happened, two years ago. In 1989, I delivered a proposal to Cern for the system that went on to become the worldwide web, he wrote in 2014. It was that year, not this one, that he said we should celebrate as the webs 25th birthday. Its not the inaccuracy that grates, however, but the hypocrisy. Zuckerberg thanks Berners-Lee for making the world more open and connected. So do I. What Zuck conveniently omits to mention, though, is that he is embarked upon a commercial project whose sole aim is to make the world more connected but less open. Facebook is what we used to call a walled garden and now call a silo: a controlled space in which people are allowed to do things that will amuse them while enabling Facebook to monetise their data trails. One network to rule them all. If you wanted a vision of the opposite of the open web, then Facebook is it. Intellectual Monopolies WIPO Human Resources: All Is Harmony, Secretariat Says Ed: like EPO under Battistelli they abuse workers Staff dissension A thing of the past, according to WIPO. Staff are being included and are at the center of everything. And (after a major upheaval, including the firing of the oppositionist Staff Council president in 2014 followed by staff protests outside the building), the report states: Finally, staff are at the front, left, right and center in organizing elections for a WIPO Staff Council through which, for the first time, all staff members will have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote. New Offices, Strategic Plan, GIs, Oversight Among Focus Of WIPO Committee Ed: There8217s no oversight there The choice of hosting countries for new WIPO external offices and the Medium Term Strategic Plan 2016-2021 are among the hottest subjects of the week, according to several regional groups speaking at the opening today of the World Intellectual Property Organization Program and Budget Committee. Separately, the United States again called the attention to a 2017 treaty protecting geographical indications which they said should not be automatically administered by WIPO. And members called attention to audit and oversight issues at WIPO. Copyrights Yes, yes, he8217s obviously just being snarky and thinking he8217s making a point, but it still seems odd for someone who insists he8217s against counterfeiting to basically say he8217s planning to counterfeit our shirt. At the very least, it actually gives us a platform to make our point: if he really wants to do so, he can absolutely go and make those cheap 5 shirts. But they won8217t sell. Why This is the whole point we8217ve been trying to make all this time. The reason people buy shirts from us is because (1) they like the shirts and (2) they want to support Techdirt. Somehow, I get the feeling that the community that John Anderson has built up around his Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group aren8217t exactly the kind of people who would jump at an offer to buy 8220Copying is Not Theft8221 T-shirts, even if they are 25 the price of our T-shirts. This is the point that so many fail to get when they freak out about people copying. If you8217ve built up a community of people who want to support you and people who like and are interested in what you do, there8217s nothing to fear from copying. It8217s only when you don8217t have that kind of support, or when you8217re trying to force something on people that they don8217t want that you suddenly have to worry about copying. Well, here we go again with the bad EU copyright proposals. Just a few days ago, Mozilla actually launched a petition to call on the EU to update its copyright laws for the 21st century, to make it 8220so we can tinker, create, share, and learn on the internet.8221 Apparently the EU8217s answer to this is 8220Fuck You8221 According to a leaked draft of the EU Commission8217s plan to 8220modernize8221 copyright, the plan really seems focused on coming up with new ways to tax successful internet companies, like Google, to prop up other companies and industries that have failed to adapt. Apparently, the EU Commission thinks that copyright should be a tool to punish innovation and to reward those who have refused to innovate. The leaked draft talks repeatedly about this silly idea of a 8220value gap.8221 Just a few weeks ago we discussed why the 8220value gap8221 is a misleading talking point. It8217s being used by companies that didn8217t innovate to try to guarantee a business model, with that model being 8220have the government force successful companies to subsidize us, because we didn8217t adapt to the current market.8221 And this draft is full of that kind of thinking. The draft also continues to weigh 8220the impact8221 of various proposals on different stake holders. For example, it notes whether different proposals will have a 8220positive, neutral, or negative8221 impact on rightsholders, internet services, consumers and 8220fundamental rights.8221 While it8217s nice that they include the 8220fundamental rights8221 (and the public 8212 who, it should be noted, are more than just 8220consumers8221) it feels like they8217re trying to set up proposals again that are sort of 8220balancing8221 all of these interests, rather than finding the one that maximizes overall utility. In fact, it8217s quite troubling that they seem to think that anything that directly expands copyright automatically benefits 8220rightsholders.8221 We8217ve seen how that8217s not true at all. Greater freedom to remix, reuse and build on the works of others allow everyday people to become creators themselves more easily. And saddling internet platforms also harms many, many content creators who are only able to create, publicize, distribute, connect and monetize because of these new platforms. But the draft doesn8217t seem to take much of that into account 8212 or sort of hand-waves it away. The EU is to update the unions copyright laws. The first step was a public consultation, with a lot of input from so-called stakeholders, civil society, and ordinary citizens. The next step is to make an impact assessment. In January 2016, a BitTorrent enthusiast thought he8217d launch a stand-alone tracker for fun. Soon, Zer0day. ch was tracking thousands of torrents after being utilized by The Pirate Bay and ExtraTorrent. Now it8217s tracking almost four million peers and a million torrents, but the ride has been far from smooth. The controversial entrepreneur Kim Dotcom said last month that he was preparing to relaunch Megaupload, the file-sharing site that U. S. and New Zealand authorities dramatically shut down in 2012, with bitcoins being involved in some way. Now we know more. Dotcom, a German-Finnish man living in New Zealand and currently fighting extradition to the U. S. over copyright-infringement charges, tweeted Friday that the transfers taking place over Megaupload would be linked to very small bitcoin transactions. This system will be called Bitcache and Dotcom claimed its launch would send the bitcoin price soaring way above its current 575 value. The European Commission is currently working on major updates to existing copyright legislation, to reform copyright law to reflect digital content. One feature of this reform would allow media outlets to request payment from search engines, such as Google, for publishing snippets of their content in search results. The working paper recommends the introduction of an EU law that covers the rights to digital reproduction of news publications. This would essentially make news publishers a new category of rights holders under copyright law, thereby ensuring that the creative and economic contribution of news publishers is recognized and incentivized in EU law, as it is today the case for other creative sectors. Media outlets rely on Google and other search engines to boost traffic to their sites, while at the same time competing with them for advertising dollars. The updated copyright proposal would allow media outlets at their discretion to charge Google for publishing snippets of articles with the results of a users search request. The shift from print to digital consumption of newspaper and magazine content has created what is termed a value gap while a providers digital content is gaining popularity, revenues from digital content are not making up for the loss of print revenues. Pages that cross-reference this one What Else is New Union Syndicale Fdrale, which stands for and defends unions across Europe, has become growingly vocal against the management of the EPO Translation of the article Werknemers Europees Octrooibureau voeren actie tegen tirannie directeur, which was published earlier today ahead of tomorrows protest Links for the day A translation of the article Medewerkers European Patent Office in actie tegen angstcultuur, courtesy of Petra Kramer An anonymous message from EPO insiders who are concerned about the state of the Office under Battistellis misguided and reckless leadership As Dutch politicians start to pay closer attention to the violations at the EPO and unions are being busted at The Hague staff intends to step out in protest The EPOs UPC strategy as told with the help of cartoons How democracy works in the EPO these days Some of the latest reports pertaining to Microsofts (and its patent trolls) pursuit/lobbying for software patents at a time when such patents lose their appeal/lustre in the United States Chinese policy on software patents and the acceptance of patent trolling is bad news not just for China but for companies everywhere, as they too become vulnerable to trolls and to Chinese companies that file cases in the West New problems for the EPO, another new example of EPO defying Parliamentary instructions and laws, and an update about the UPC, which makes progress nowhere but countries that recently received gifts from Battistelli Links for the day Links for the day Accountability at the EPO takes two steps forward (two new ILO cases) and one step backward (Transparency International going more or less defunct in Germany), but workers continue to speak out and demand change Assessment of patent systems based on litigation (or enforcement) still a misguided yardstick but a glorified theme in the news sites controlled by (and for) the patent industry Links for the day Belatedly (after a lot of unjust suffering and half a dozen suicides), having taken a closer look at some of the latest terrible policies from Battistelli and his goons, the press along with politicians and bloggers chastise the EPO and call for immediate remedial action Although patent lawyers want us to believe that software patents are just fine (citing cases fewer than the fingers of one hand), the reality is rather grim for them and we explain why Patent trolls and the meta-industry which creates nothing but lawsuits is growingly afraid of boards that ascertain patent quality at the USPTO In order to maintain the order of Linux patent tax Microsoft and its proxies (patent trolls like Intellectual Ventures) keep pursuing patent policy that is friendly towards software patenting Another signal that whatever progress was made at the USPTO (tightening patent scope among other improvements) could soon be crushed by a Republican administration Links for the day A new report from the Dutch media reveals plans to discuss removal of the EPOs immunity and yet more lies from the EPOs management (this time through Jana Mittermaier) Indias retreat from software patents goes all the way to the top (huge businesses) and includes even Microsoft-connected companies like Infosys, where patent filings have reached an all-time low (single-digit figures) Kongstad and Battistelli seem to be perfectly alright with patents on food and beverages, clearly a very steep decline when it comes to patent quality at the EPO Another new example of an attempt by large corporations to speak on behalf of small businesses and shape patent law for themselves, very much to the detriment of these small businesses Links for the day Status report on the sites issues today Patents are, over time, becoming not about innovation but about passage of heaps of monopolies to large corporations that then use them to evade tax (the patent box loophole) False accusations, manufactured (by Team Battistelli) complaints, lies about the judgment, and secrecy by threats is now the golden standard mastered by Battistelli, a liar and abuser so villainous that he deserves no place in society, let alone a well-funded patent office Post Author Dr. Roy Schestowitz Contact us (encrypted/PGP ) Supporting the Efforts Support Techrights Spread TechBytes Live News Pages Google search produces more relevant results, whereas normal search places recent ones first. 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